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So, in ten years Mexico empties out, with everybody moving here. You know what that means? That’s right, more territory we could settle and claim for the U.S.A.
Comment by Alan Kellogg — Sunday, May 21, 2025 @ 12:26 am
I heard this the other day on the Laura Ingraham show. But, the number she was touting was not 93 million, but 193 million! Obviously, I had the same reaction you did (being a sane person who knows the population of Mexico).
If you look at the “study” from the Heritage Foundation you can see what Laura Ingraham was talking about - according to the “study”, the worst case scenario is indeed 193 million! While the projected figure is 100 million (now revised down to 66 million after recent changes to the bill). Needless to say, these numbers are absurd.
Here’s what the White House had to say about the Heritage Foundation estimate:
Comment by LaurenceB — Sunday, May 21, 2025 @ 10:04 am