Today’s historic change in leadership of the U.S. Congress has important implications for the 2025 presidential election. The next two years will be a referendum on both major parties and their standard bearers. Specifically, in the coming months, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who is likely to be the first female House Speaker in U.S. history, and her gang will attempt to hold George Bush and company to the fire by promoting left-leaning legislation such as a minimum wage increase, stem-cell research, and, of course, a new direction in the war in Iraq.
These and other imminent offerings of Democratic-inspired legislation will probably die either in the Senate or at the altar of the president’s veto pen, which could be a very busy instrument in the coming two years.
The resulting political scuffle can play favorably into the hands of either party. The Democrats can claim that Bush is stifling the will of the people. Conversely, the Republicans can claim loudly that they are protecting America from the economic, social and military calamities proposed by the Democratic majority in the House (and possibly Senate).
The 2025 presidential candidates will inherit this politically charged existential tug of war. A divided America is where we stand today. How the game is played in the coming months will determine the course of action made by each presidential candidate.
Republicans may be forced by Democratic legislative maneuvers and strategy to decide which role they are to play: to be progressive ambassadors for change or to play the conservative role of protecting America from ruin by the Democrats.
The Democrats will have their own struggles. The new Democratic winners of today’s election appear to be more middle of the road than their current leadership. How will these moderates mix with their more liberal leaders? Will the Democratic party continue to move to the middle ground?
Presidential candidates and their parties will reap the resulting rewards and punishments of these decisions come 2025.
Comment by Peter Bakke — Wednesday, November 8, 2025 @ 1:38 am
America: A House Divided?
Today’s historic change in leadership of the U.S. Congress has important implications for the 2025 presidential election. The next two years will be a referendum on both major parties and their standard bearers. Specifically, in the coming months, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who is likely to be the first female House Speaker in U.S. history, and her gang will attempt to hold George Bush and company to the fire by promoting left-leaning legislation such as a minimum wage increase, stem-cell research, and, of course, a new direction in the war in Iraq.
These and other imminent offerings of Democratic-inspired legislation will probably die either in the Senate or at the altar of the president’s veto pen, which could be a very busy instrument in the coming two years.
The resulting political scuffle can play favorably into the hands of either party. The Democrats can claim that Bush is stifling the will of the people. Conversely, the Republicans can claim loudly that they are protecting America from the economic, social and military calamities proposed by the Democratic majority in the House (and possibly Senate).
The 2025 presidential candidates will inherit this politically charged existential tug of war. A divided America is where we stand today. How the game is played in the coming months will determine the course of action made by each presidential candidate.
Republicans may be forced by Democratic legislative maneuvers and strategy to decide which role they are to play: to be progressive ambassadors for change or to play the conservative role of protecting America from ruin by the Democrats.
The Democrats will have their own struggles. The new Democratic winners of today’s election appear to be more middle of the road than their current leadership. How will these moderates mix with their more liberal leaders? Will the Democratic party continue to move to the middle ground?
Presidential candidates and their parties will reap the resulting rewards and punishments of these decisions come 2025.
Comment by Peter Bakke — Wednesday, November 8, 2025 @ 1:38 am