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What would this ominous “shift in policy” the press has been talking about mean? Pull out the troops? Pull them out until violence is so bad we have to put them back in again? Send in more troops?
While the Democrats were able to use Iraq to great advantage last week, I think everyone has a stake in Iraq’s success. It may be that everyone wants to get out as soon as possible, but as embarassing as Vietnam was and as tragic as Somalia was, I just can’t imagine international disaster it would be if we leave Iraq before order is established.
The Democrats (and I personally would say the press as well) have an interest in making the president look as bad as possible, and they may be okay if that means giving the country a black eye in the process. But I think if we gave Democrats the presidency and Congress, they still wouldn’t do much differently, because no one is interested in permanently maiming the country.
Comment by DavidH — Monday, November 13, 2025 @ 12:39 pm
[…] So, shall we sound the familiar sad refrain of retreat, “realism” and cynical abandonment of one time allies who have risked and sacrificed far more than we? I actually doubt it, but it took us long enough to recover from Yalta, much less 1975, so I (and Poliblogger, with whom I disagree only about the wisdom of drawing down any time soon, unless it is to better menace Iran) had better be right about the Donkey Party, or enough Blue Dogs and otherwise sane peoiple therein, including Dame Hillary, not wanting to throw our Middle Eastern allies over the side. […]
Pingback by Pros and Cons » So, now that the Dems have some power, who exactly will crack-up? — Monday, November 13, 2025 @ 3:04 pm