PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. The “contempt” they speak of is nothing more than Cheney being sure of his position and not caring how others my criticize that position. It would be better characterized as confidence. Some people see that as arrogance and some people see that as contempt. I see it as leadership.

      I like Cheney and have liked him since he was defense secretary. No nonsense and quick to the point. He has been made a scapegoat in this administration mostly because of his leadership and confidence. I see his current position of standing up to flippant investigations causing more heartburn for those who oppose him and his boss.

      Comment by Steve Plunk — Friday, June 29, 2025 @ 4:08 pm

    2. Isn’t it problematic, however, that much of Cheney’s “confidence” has been deployed when he was speaking in error. He said a great deal about Iraq that has simply be proven to be wrong.

      And leadership to where? What are the exact successes of this administration? Where has this leadership gotten us, precisely?

      Also: while one doesn’t want leaders who constantly second guess themselves, surely it is the job of a democratically elected official to give some consideration to what the citizenry thinks.

      Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Friday, June 29, 2025 @ 4:16 pm

    3. I see your points but would counter from my conservative viewpoint that: a) as much as errors have been made in the war (errors are made in any war) some things have been done right and the basic reasoning behind going to war is still solid in my mind. b) This conservative actually sees nothing getting done as a good thing sometimes. In Oregon we say get the women and children off the streets when the legislature is in session. The same mentality applies to our national government. We may not be where we want to be but perhaps this administration has done a good job not letting things get worse. Perhaps. c) Consideration of what citizens want is probably best done during closed door meetings, not on the podium or with the press. A public persona of strong leadership should inspire confidence and help sway those on the fence. Imagine a national leader who gives a speech saying something akin to “we are certain our approach to the problem is sound but we would like to gauge national opinion before we do anything”. It does not inspire confidence.

      That grumpy bald guy is serious about his work and looks like it.

      Comment by Steve Plunk — Friday, June 29, 2025 @ 5:17 pm

    4. Yes, but we aren’t talking about just “some” errors in this war. The whole policy has largely failed and certainly most of the more dramatic pronouncement by the Veep in regards to Iraq have proven to be untrue. He was both quite dire about the consequences of not taking out Saddam as well as incredibly optimistic about how well the war would go. Both arguments have proven to be wildly incorrect.

      Also: my point was not that nothing was getting done, but rather that which has been attempted hasn’t gone too well.

      Plus, I am not sure how you reconcile your argument that nothing is getting done while simultaneously praising Cheney for his leadership and such.

      Indeed, from a small-government point of view, I find Cheney to be disturbing as he clearly believes in using the power of the federal government in an expansive way in regards to security as directed towards domestic operations.

      And why, in a democracy, would it be preferable to for things to be done behind closed doors? Doesn’t the government, and the money used to pay for it, belong to us?

      Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Friday, June 29, 2025 @ 7:00 pm

    5. Besides, aren’t most (all?) of the audiences Cheney speaks to, Republican?

      Comment by Nancy Irving — Saturday, June 30, 2025 @ 5:35 am

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