[…] Real civilians, as opposed to technical civilians, a/k/a terrorists, who like to claim the rights of soldiers without actually acting like, you now, soldiers, in the area know which side is likely to treat them well, (for more on that phenomenon, see here) despite all the dishonest and damaging hoopla about “torture” that is held to include treating criminal non-combatants like, well, criminals, rather than as POWs, which would imply that they are honorable warriors who deserve the right to surrender. (I’ll post on Alberto Gonzalez today or tomorrow and address that in ways more consonant with The Wall Street Journal’s excellent front page take and NPR’s surpisingly, and deservedly, sympathetic portrayal here and, most relevantly to this post, here, than the treatment reported here. Hint - it’s all about political control of an often recalcitrant buerocracy.) […]
[…] Real civilians, as opposed to technical civilians, a/k/a terrorists, who like to claim the rights of soldiers without actually acting like, you now, soldiers, in the area know which side is likely to treat them well, (for more on that phenomenon, see here) despite all the dishonest and damaging hoopla about “torture” that is held to include treating criminal non-combatants like, well, criminals, rather than as POWs, which would imply that they are honorable warriors who deserve the right to surrender. (I’ll post on Alberto Gonzalez today or tomorrow and address that in ways more consonant with The Wall Street Journal’s excellent front page take and NPR’s surpisingly, and deservedly, sympathetic portrayal here and, most relevantly to this post, here, than the treatment reported here. Hint - it’s all about political control of an often recalcitrant buerocracy.) […]
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