Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 10:12 am
Not only is outrage a good business model, so is hypocrisy. Apparently the Powerline, Hugh Hewitt, and others are upset that he is allowed to go Columbia, and are tying it in to the blocked Summers trip to USC. You see- Summers should be allowed to go, and this guy should not.
It isn’t that they oppose ‘censorship,’ it is that they want to be the one censoring.
For the record, I have no problem with either of them making their respective visits, and I have no problem with the respective schools deciding who they choose to invite.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 1:49 pm
[…] Along those lines, I had the following e-mail exchange with Michael Ledeen today, whose views on these matters — in light of his new book, the various and increasingly absurd Iran “controversies”, and his status as favorite right-wing Iran “expert” — I really was hoping to probe in order to write about: […]
The question is not so much why not let him go to Ground Zero but why let him go anywhere at all within our borders? We jail our own criminals so why let this international criminal free access for photo ops that will enhance his power and insult the United States abroad?
He almost certainly took part in the taking of US embassy hostages. His government supplies forces killing US troops in Iraq. His government is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. His government sponsors terrorism around the world. Let’s not forget he’s as crazy as they come (the UN speech and the glow that surrounded him, the prophecy of the lost Imam and the end of the world).
A guest in my house is treated as a guest until they do something to insult me as host. This wacko has already insulted us and a good portion of humanity before he’s even gotten through the front door. We need no opportunity to discredit his ideas since they have been discredited many times before.
This is worth some outrage, as least as much as was given to the President for thanking the 36 nations helping us in Iraq.
Comment by Steve Plunk — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 4:47 pm
Let’s not forget he’s as crazy as they come (the UN speech and the glow that surrounded him, the prophecy of the lost Imam and the end of the world).
It’s new york. No one will tell the difference between him and the other lunatics spewing prophecies. FWIW, his visit will be less obnoxious than the GOP convention. What’s one more theocratic homophobe?
- NY’er.
Comment by jpe — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 5:57 pm
Any visit is a problem because of the propaganda and you all need to take the symbolism much more seriously since many dictatorship care about this. Orwell understood how important symbols are for dictators and we should realize how this would play to the world.
Comment by Mark — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 7:49 pm
But, of course, the symbolism can work in various directions.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 7:52 pm
Yes, Mark, brilliant. Luckily political leaders in democracies NEVER manipulate symbolism.
I’ll have another order of Freedom Fires, please….
Comment by Ratoe — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 9:45 pm
Iran’s President And 911’s Ground Zero: Bomb Site Is No Disneyland
Was this deja vu all over again?
Not quite. But there did seem to be some whispers from the past….
On Sept. 19, 1959, at the height of the Cold War, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was barred from visiting Disneyland, leading him to explod…
Iran’s President And 911’s Ground Zero: Bomb Site Is No Disneyland
Was this deja vu all over again?
Not quite. But there did seem to be some whispers from the past….
On Sept. 19, 1959, at the height of the Cold War, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was barred from visiting Disneyland, leading him to explod…
Iran’s President And 911’s Ground Zero: Bomb Site Is No Disneyland
Was this deja vu all over again?
Not quite. But there did seem to be some whispers from the past….
On Sept. 19, 1959, at the height of the Cold War, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was barred from visiting Disneyland, leading him to explod…
[…] I have largely avouded commenting on the “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?” ad because, well, as noted yesterday, I believe that my outrage-o-meter is busted. […]
The problem with the Columbia visit is that it makes higher ed look bad, and acts as confirmation of the “tenured radical” view of American universities.
Now, UC Davis and Columbia are NOT the same school, and neither is under any obligation to coordinate with the other, but the symbolic thrust of UC Davis disinviting Larry Summers one week, and having Columbia invite Ahmadinejad the next — well, it’s just not good.
Of course, I don’t think the solution is to disinvite Ahmadinejad — that model leads to the complete abandonment of discussion altogether. Perhaps instead creating an academic atmosphere into which a Larry Summers can also speak.
Freedom’s Watch President Bradley A. Blakeman released a statement and a copy of the print advertisement it has requested to be run in the Monday edition of the New York Times.
“Freedom’s Watch could not sit back and allow a terrorist to come to
America masquerading as a world leader. We have an obligation to warn the
world of the dangers of a nuclear Iran and to uncover the true intent, that
being, the destruction of the United States and the State of Israel.
Let’s be clear, Iran today kills American soldiers in Iraq and they will not stop
there,” said Bradley A. Blakeman, President of Freedom’s Watch.
The text of the advertisement follows:
Ahmadinejad Is A Terrorist
Columbia University is wrong to give him a platform.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatens our nation and the
freedoms we value. He has supported attacks on our soldiers and our allies.
He should be treated as the terrorist that he is.
Yet, while Columbia gives a terrorist like Ahmadinejad a platform to
speak, they refuse to allow the ROTC on campus.
What has happened to this prestigious university?
People who support killing Americans are welcome. But the military that
defends them is not.
Columbia should be ashamed of its actions.
Freedom’s Watch knows that America and the forces of freedom are right.
We know the threat of terrorism is real. And we know Democracy must
The terrorists and their appeasers are wrong.
“And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon
experience a world without the United States and Zionism.”
— Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
(CNN, 10/27/05)
Thank You Freedom’s Watch For Taking A Stand For OUR Country And Troops!
[…] I have noted before that I am not prone to a lot of outrage, and I am not outraged by statements by Rush Limbaugh that service members who support U.S. withdrawal are “phony soldiers”, but I do think that it takes an awful lot of gall to make such statements after the over-the-top reaction to the “Petraeus or Betray Us?” ad, as I thought it was supposedly verboten to call into question the integrity of our men and women in combat. Indeed, if had called some of our soldiers in harm’s way “phony” one guesses that the same group who got up in arms over the Petraeus ad would be up in arms over this. (Not so much, it would seem). […]
Outrage is an excellent business model, however.
Comment by James Joyner — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 10:03 am
This is, unfortunately, quite true.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 10:12 am
Not only is outrage a good business model, so is hypocrisy. Apparently the Powerline, Hugh Hewitt, and others are upset that he is allowed to go Columbia, and are tying it in to the blocked Summers trip to USC. You see- Summers should be allowed to go, and this guy should not.
It isn’t that they oppose ‘censorship,’ it is that they want to be the one censoring.
Comment by John Cole — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 12:46 pm
For the record, I have no problem with either of them making their respective visits, and I have no problem with the respective schools deciding who they choose to invite.
Comment by John Cole — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 12:48 pm
Hypocritical Outrage!
It’s all the rage.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 1:49 pm
[…] Along those lines, I had the following e-mail exchange with Michael Ledeen today, whose views on these matters — in light of his new book, the various and increasingly absurd Iran “controversies”, and his status as favorite right-wing Iran “expert” — I really was hoping to probe in order to write about: […]
Pingback by The weirdness of some on the Right « Later On — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 3:51 pm
The question is not so much why not let him go to Ground Zero but why let him go anywhere at all within our borders? We jail our own criminals so why let this international criminal free access for photo ops that will enhance his power and insult the United States abroad?
He almost certainly took part in the taking of US embassy hostages. His government supplies forces killing US troops in Iraq. His government is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. His government sponsors terrorism around the world. Let’s not forget he’s as crazy as they come (the UN speech and the glow that surrounded him, the prophecy of the lost Imam and the end of the world).
A guest in my house is treated as a guest until they do something to insult me as host. This wacko has already insulted us and a good portion of humanity before he’s even gotten through the front door. We need no opportunity to discredit his ideas since they have been discredited many times before.
This is worth some outrage, as least as much as was given to the President for thanking the 36 nations helping us in Iraq.
Comment by Steve Plunk — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 4:47 pm
It’s new york. No one will tell the difference between him and the other lunatics spewing prophecies. FWIW, his visit will be less obnoxious than the GOP convention. What’s one more theocratic homophobe?
- NY’er.
Comment by jpe — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 5:57 pm
Any visit is a problem because of the propaganda and you all need to take the symbolism much more seriously since many dictatorship care about this. Orwell understood how important symbols are for dictators and we should realize how this would play to the world.
Comment by Mark — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 7:49 pm
But, of course, the symbolism can work in various directions.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 7:52 pm
Yes, Mark, brilliant. Luckily political leaders in democracies NEVER manipulate symbolism.
I’ll have another order of Freedom Fires, please….
Comment by Ratoe — Thursday, September 20, 2025 @ 9:45 pm
Iran’s President And 911’s Ground Zero: Bomb Site Is No Disneyland
Was this deja vu all over again?
Not quite. But there did seem to be some whispers from the past….
On Sept. 19, 1959, at the height of the Cold War, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was barred from visiting Disneyland, leading him to explod…
Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Friday, September 21, 2025 @ 2:30 am
Iran’s President And 911’s Ground Zero: Bomb Site Is No Disneyland
Was this deja vu all over again?
Not quite. But there did seem to be some whispers from the past….
On Sept. 19, 1959, at the height of the Cold War, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was barred from visiting Disneyland, leading him to explod…
Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Friday, September 21, 2025 @ 2:30 am
Iran’s President And 911’s Ground Zero: Bomb Site Is No Disneyland
Was this deja vu all over again?
Not quite. But there did seem to be some whispers from the past….
On Sept. 19, 1959, at the height of the Cold War, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was barred from visiting Disneyland, leading him to explod…
Trackback by The Moderate Voice — Friday, September 21, 2025 @ 2:30 am
[…] I have largely avouded commenting on the “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?” ad because, well, as noted yesterday, I believe that my outrage-o-meter is busted. […]
Pingback by PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Kinsely on “Betray Us” (or More Evidence of my Outrage Deficiency) — Friday, September 21, 2025 @ 7:22 am
I’m here
How did my surgery on Tuesday go and what do I think about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad coming to the USA.
Trackback by The Florida Masochist — Friday, September 21, 2025 @ 8:18 am
The problem with the Columbia visit is that it makes higher ed look bad, and acts as confirmation of the “tenured radical” view of American universities.
Now, UC Davis and Columbia are NOT the same school, and neither is under any obligation to coordinate with the other, but the symbolic thrust of UC Davis disinviting Larry Summers one week, and having Columbia invite Ahmadinejad the next — well, it’s just not good.
Of course, I don’t think the solution is to disinvite Ahmadinejad — that model leads to the complete abandonment of discussion altogether. Perhaps instead creating an academic atmosphere into which a Larry Summers can also speak.
Comment by Richard Scott Nokes — Friday, September 21, 2025 @ 9:11 am
Just some FYI:
WASHINGTON, Sept. 21 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Friday
Freedom’s Watch President Bradley A. Blakeman released a statement and a copy of the print advertisement it has requested to be run in the Monday edition of the New York Times.
“Freedom’s Watch could not sit back and allow a terrorist to come to
America masquerading as a world leader. We have an obligation to warn the
world of the dangers of a nuclear Iran and to uncover the true intent, that
being, the destruction of the United States and the State of Israel.
Let’s be clear, Iran today kills American soldiers in Iraq and they will not stop
there,” said Bradley A. Blakeman, President of Freedom’s Watch.
The text of the advertisement follows:
Ahmadinejad Is A Terrorist
Columbia University is wrong to give him a platform.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatens our nation and the
freedoms we value. He has supported attacks on our soldiers and our allies.
He should be treated as the terrorist that he is.
Yet, while Columbia gives a terrorist like Ahmadinejad a platform to
speak, they refuse to allow the ROTC on campus.
What has happened to this prestigious university?
People who support killing Americans are welcome. But the military that
defends them is not.
Columbia should be ashamed of its actions.
Freedom’s Watch knows that America and the forces of freedom are right.
We know the threat of terrorism is real. And we know Democracy must
The terrorists and their appeasers are wrong.
“And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon
experience a world without the United States and Zionism.”
— Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
(CNN, 10/27/05)
Thank You Freedom’s Watch For Taking A Stand For OUR Country And Troops!
General David Betray Us
Comment by Iraq Updates — Saturday, September 22, 2025 @ 8:07 pm
[…] I have noted before that I am not prone to a lot of outrage, and I am not outraged by statements by Rush Limbaugh that service members who support U.S. withdrawal are “phony soldiers”, but I do think that it takes an awful lot of gall to make such statements after the over-the-top reaction to the “Petraeus or Betray Us?” ad, as I thought it was supposedly verboten to call into question the integrity of our men and women in combat. Indeed, if had called some of our soldiers in harm’s way “phony” one guesses that the same group who got up in arms over the Petraeus ad would be up in arms over this. (Not so much, it would seem). […]
Pingback by PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » “Phony Soldiers” and Limbaugh’s Dichotomized World — Friday, September 28, 2025 @ 7:13 am