PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. Hmmm…on the Sirius issue what do they use to stream? You can get Real Player via Synaptic….I had to do that to get the BBC working.

      The wake up thing is mystifying…I have never had that happen on Ubuntu or Xandros. Is it happening when running on battery/AC or both?

      Perhaps looking at your power settings might give you an idea for what is going on.

      Comment by Ratoe — Sunday, October 12, 2025 @ 1:48 pm

    2. Good to know about Real Player. I was able to get it (Sirius’ media player) to work in Knoppix, but I am not sure if it was via the Konqueror browser or a different one.

      And it was plugged in in both cases of the wake up fail.

      Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Sunday, October 12, 2025 @ 1:52 pm

    3. Some users have reported hardware compatibility problems with Suspend/Hibernate in 8.04 (the current version). As with so many other Linux issues, it’s a “supported hardware” thing; S/H works just fine on my Dell laptop. Sometimes making some adjustments in the system BIOS can help out, but it’s a known bug.

      Try looking through the Ubuntu Forums for your type of computer hardware. They’re a great resource.

      S/H is supposedly fixed in the new version (8.10), which is due out later this month. Why didn’t you wait for the new release like I said? That’s like installing XP a week or so before you get Vista. :???:

      Comment by Len — Sunday, October 12, 2025 @ 9:55 pm

    4. Oh, I can be impatient at times ;)

      Plus, with the Wubi install I figured I could install, play around with it, and if I liked it, uninstall and start over again.

      Thanks for the info on the problem.

      Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Sunday, October 12, 2025 @ 10:19 pm

    5. Just thought of one other thing that might help. The Compiz desktop animation effects in 8.04 can sometimes cause conflicts. To disable effects, click the following menu options:


      If that doesn’t make any difference and you miss the animations (they’re nothing special IMO), just go back in and re-enable.

      Comment by Len — Sunday, October 12, 2025 @ 10:34 pm

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