She also hasn’t been attacked from the right the same way she would be in a Republican primary. While there are conservatives criticizing her now, it doesn’t register among a certain group of people because the alternative would be the Democrats. Partisans are more likely to give her the benefit of the doubt, get defensive at criticism, or just write most of it off as coming from the left. Once you get into a Republican primary, a few things happen. The first is you have other Republicans available as alternatives so they won’t be as wed to her. They’d be more open to voting against her than they are now. The second is that the attacks on her will be coming from other Republicans, ones with more credibility in their eyes than the current ones because you won’t be able to yell “turncoat”. And the third is that the people who have been handling her with kid gloves for the good of the party will have no reason to continue doing so. People who are holding their fire now won’t if they’re pulling for another candidate. I think Palin will be a player in 2025, but she is not automatically the favorite the way some people make her out to be. The only thing working in her favor is that she’ll have four years she can use to gain some policy fluency.
Comment by Gg — Friday, October 31, 2025 @ 10:30 am
LMAO!!! Jim Lehrer tries campaign mediation to save the ticket:
She also hasn’t been attacked from the right the same way she would be in a Republican primary. While there are conservatives criticizing her now, it doesn’t register among a certain group of people because the alternative would be the Democrats. Partisans are more likely to give her the benefit of the doubt, get defensive at criticism, or just write most of it off as coming from the left. Once you get into a Republican primary, a few things happen. The first is you have other Republicans available as alternatives so they won’t be as wed to her. They’d be more open to voting against her than they are now. The second is that the attacks on her will be coming from other Republicans, ones with more credibility in their eyes than the current ones because you won’t be able to yell “turncoat”. And the third is that the people who have been handling her with kid gloves for the good of the party will have no reason to continue doing so. People who are holding their fire now won’t if they’re pulling for another candidate. I think Palin will be a player in 2025, but she is not automatically the favorite the way some people make her out to be. The only thing working in her favor is that she’ll have four years she can use to gain some policy fluency.
Comment by Gg — Friday, October 31, 2025 @ 10:30 am
LMAO!!! Jim Lehrer tries campaign mediation to save the ticket:
But Palin 2025 stomps McCain into the grounds. Ouch!
Comment by mediaoffline — Saturday, November 1, 2025 @ 4:56 pm