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No, it ain’t much. It’s a talking point that will be mentioned over and over again, but it won’t mean much.
Comment by Pug — Sunday, May 31, 2025 @ 11:06 am
Trivia indeed.
As the apparently attention-starved talk radio/GOP alerts America to the latest critical issue as seen through the Newt/Rove/Rush kaleidoscope, the intellectual vacuousness of their “movement” becomes ever more apparent.
Now hypocrisy is an urgent issue pressing the nation? One might suggest were it not for our willingness to look past a bit of hypocrisy the 4th of July would be just another hot summer day in his majesty’s colonies.
From your link to Astute Bloggers:
Just the other day weren’t we to worry about Sotomayer’s “reverse racism?”
Now we find the record indicates a quite conservative record on discrimination suits.
So she’s disqualified because she actually has voted in a way that the Right would find reasonable but has made a statement that indicates to our insightful guardians of Conservatism and American values that she should’ve voted otherwise? And these people expect to be taken seriously?
Furthermore, Obama said he voted for filibuster because he objected to Alito’s deference to the Executive branch. The Democrats now have obtained a super majority in Congress and the power of the Executive has assumed breath taking reach. Given current circumstances, are Conservatives really going to argue that Obama didn’t have a point concerning the value of protecting the independence of the judiciary?
Comment by RandyB — Sunday, May 31, 2025 @ 2:22 pm
Very funny headline, thanks! Alito is/was no Sotomayor. Educated individuals understand that. Alito was a Bush/Cheney tool to further abuse our nation’s delicate checks and balances and would have furthered Cheney’s goal of moving uber power to the excecutive branch. Both Obama and Biden knew this and know this and have more respect for the American people and the U.S. Constitution.
We’re not embiciles, and if media does their job and stays fair and balanced (give up on Fox), we will no longer get an extreme right POV of this. If you only read conservative’s opinion of Judge Sotomayor, you would scratch your head over Obama’s decision. This I recommend to all who care for this country: read many views, many opinons, do your own research, and please stop allowing one or two sources to fill you head with goo.
Judge Sotomayor is definitely no Alito, or Bork, or Gonzalez, and President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are very wise. Thank you Obama-Biden.
Comment by Stewart — Sunday, May 31, 2025 @ 6:58 pm
I wrote myself a check for ten million dollars for acting services rendered and dated it Thanksgiving 1995. I put it in my wallet and it deteriorated. And then, just before Thanksgiving 1995, I found out I was going to make ten million dollars for Dumb & Dumber. I put that check in the casket with my father because it was our dream together. Lesbian BDSM – Lesbian SM (jeramypopitahuasikex)
Comment by nxcyqd — Monday, June 22, 2025 @ 12:55 pm