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My problem with Star Trek: The Next Generation was the fact that the Federation sounded like an intergalactic communist government, and that this future was inevitable.
I don’t know any conservative who doesn’t want peace. It’s just that they realize most peace plans are doomed to failure.
Likewise, I don’t think intolerance is a conservative quality; but I don’t believe what passes for tolerance and diversity today is hardly related to the actual definitions of the words “tolerance” and “diversity” (generally tolerance and diversity policies do everything to guarantee that nobody expresses themselves in any way, out of fear of offending some culture who may not be present).
I strongly believe in due process; (I agree with several conservatives that the phrase “substantive due process” is an oxymoron because it sounds a lot like saying “not quite what was legally required, but close enough”). I would argue over what process is due in particular circumstances: should the underwear bomber be read his rights and provided a free attorney? should he be interrogated by the CIA? should he be interrogated by military personnel with the understanding that interrogations by either the CIA or the military could make it more difficult to file criminal charges in federal court?
And I have no idea why progress was even included on the list.
Comment by Max Lybbert — Thursday, December 31, 2025 @ 2:33 am
Clearly Queen Elizabeth finds something redeeming about Picard, as Patrick Stewart is slated to be knighted:
Comment by Mike de la Loyola — Thursday, December 31, 2025 @ 6:57 am
ya i too agree with max points why writing a topic like this are included in this list but any way information is good thanks
Comment by Neil — Saturday, January 2, 2025 @ 4:35 am