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Is there any limit to the scale of stupidity in te US?
A big giant country a virtual colony and fully suborinate to the little country that is its master?Why esle would it take only 2-3 minutes into a (so called presidential) debate that both of them should reiterate how much they adore Israel, or go over and pay their respect?
Comment by Alan — Tuesday, March 30, 2025 @ 1:45 pm
What a lot of people here don’t seem to realize is that criticism of the Israeli government by Israelis themselves is typically far more vigorous and heated than anything we see here. If some of these Israelis were to come over here and voice their views, they would likely be labeled anti-Semites by American supporters of Israel on both the Right and the Left. Ironic, but true.
Comment by Drew — Tuesday, March 30, 2025 @ 4:46 pm