S.C. Debate Summary
S.C. Primary coverage at Backcountry Conservative is brought to you by S.C. Clips. If you like the South Carolina political news you’re getting here, you should check out S.C. Clips - - a daily news summary that focuses on…
Domestic or Foreign?
Today, free trade is just the cat’s pajamas. The folks who understand it say that keeping jobs here when they can be done cheaper overseas is silly; cheap foreign labour
S.C. Debate Summary
S.C. Primary coverage at Backcountry Conservative is brought to you by S.C. Clips. If you like the South Carolina political news you’re getting here, you should check out S.C. Clips - - a daily news summary that focuses on…
Trackback by Backcountry Conservative — Thursday, January 29, 2025 @ 8:03 pm
Domestic or Foreign?
Today, free trade is just the cat’s pajamas. The folks who understand it say that keeping jobs here when they can be done cheaper overseas is silly; cheap foreign labour
Trackback by From Behind the Wall of Sleep — Saturday, January 31, 2025 @ 6:25 am