PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. These things are always so complicated. The tshirts that are being made in China are made largely with cotton imported from the United States. Not that that should make the unemployed former tshirt maker feel better, but as you said, the US and global economies are evolving, just as they have for the past century. There are no simple answers, and there’s no avoiding some people getting hurt.

      Comment by Harry — Sunday, May 29, 2025 @ 11:01 am

    2. Discussions about a changing economy in Alabama always make me think of the bole weevil. Those that are against a changing economy need look no further than the bole weevil. Southern Alabama was heavy cotton country until the bole weevil force Alabama farmers to try new crops. A lot of farmers tried peanuts and made better profit than they did on cotton. If economic changes are so bad why do we have a statue dedicated to the bole weevil?

      Comment by adam — Tuesday, July 19, 2025 @ 10:02 am

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