PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. These parlimentary no confidence votes have the feel of professional wrestling. The New Democrats broke with the Liberals at a time of weakness. In the election the Liberals will get another plurality of the vote and form a government giving the New Dems a slightly larger piece of the pie than they now enjoy. Lots of sound and fury, but not a lot will change.

      The interesting part will be how the Conservatives and the PQ do. The PQ could sweep most of the offices in Quebec now. The Conservatives could be stronger in the west, but may collapse elsewhere.

      Canada is becoming a triparte equivalent of our red/blue divide. Conservatives ruling in the west, PQ in Quebec, and the Liberals and their little buddies the New Dems in Ontario and the Atlantic region. Wish I were smart enough to figure out the ramifications of that…

      Comment by Buckland — Tuesday, November 29, 2025 @ 11:17 am

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