PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. I agree that the car bomb at the gas station, as well as many other attacks throughout the country, are not likely related to the Samarra mosque and are more indicative of pre-Dome violence. The press has a tendency to assume a causal relationship when one does not exist. I am not suggesting bias, simply that it is human nature to try to link cause and effect.

      One thing to consider, we usually see a spike of attacks in retaliation for key insurgent leaders getting picked up. It seems like there has been a couple media reports of key Al Qaeda types picked up recent. Some of these car bombs may be related.

      The truly disturbing reports are attacks on very specific targets, such as Sunni Mosques or selecting Shia passengers of cars for execution. With the curfew lifted it will interesting to see if we continue to see attacks that are clearly sectarian in nature against the public statements of religious leaders on both sides.

      Comment by bg — Tuesday, February 28, 2025 @ 1:18 pm

    2. All legitimate observations. I appreciate the comments, given your perspective on the situation.

      Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Tuesday, February 28, 2025 @ 1:34 pm

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