PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts

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    1. Wow! I haven’t bumped up against this many ill thought out ideas since…

      Why can’t we remove “these people”. On what do you base that? I hear this presented as a priori, but of course we could, Ike did in ‘53. Are you suggesting we have less right to jealously guard our country and border than we did then?

      Also, as to your constant reference to “reality” and being “realistic”. This is a loser with conservatives. There was this guy once, umm what was his name, Oh yeah, Reagan!

      This is a loser all day long, keep trying to sell it and you look not only like a fool, but an unAmerican prick as well.

      Thank you for selling out your countrymen so big business can continue fat and happy to screw average Americans. You prick.

      This has already cost the president (whom I voted for twice) and this party my vote and loyalty, I wonder how many more feel exactly as I do?

      Comment by Jake Jacobsen — Tuesday, March 28, 2025 @ 7:07 pm

    2. I don’t recall Eisenhower rounding up 12 million people and deporting them. Perhaps you could reference that one for me.

      Ironically, there was a guest-worker program with Mexico during the Eisenhower administration–it was called the Bracero program and was started in WWII and ended in 1963. So perhaps you are thinking of that, but it certainly wasn’t a mass deportation program.

      And I am unclear on your reference to Reagan–you are aware that he granted amnesty to thousands of undocumented workers in 1986?

      So, Eisenhower presided over a guest-worker program, and Reagan over an amnesty. I assume that you are opposed to both such programs (based on your comment), so I am baffled as to why you brought up those presidents.

      I would be helpful, I should think, to know what one is talking about before one starts declaring others to have “ill thought out ideas”

      Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Tuesday, March 28, 2025 @ 7:35 pm

    3. Dear Steven,
      Interesting post. We do not have to round up all the illegals and remove them. We do need to control our borders. You suggest this would take the military. I agree. No society can continue if it will not do the things necessary for its security and border control is one of those things. If we control the border over time the number of illegels will drop. The alternative is to not control the border and let the drug dealers, terrorists, and others control it. This is not acceptable for many reasons.
      Most of what you say is interesting and always thoughtful.

      Comment by Mark — Wednesday, March 29, 2025 @ 6:16 pm

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