Comments on: Afghanistan’s Opium A rough draft of my thoughts... Thu, 11 Oct 2025 02:39:58 +0000 by: Alan Kellogg Sun, 03 Sep 2025 07:52:53 +0000 I'd sooner the Afghan government made money from opium sales than lose resources trying to suppress it. It's time we stopped trying to control lives and let some people kill themselves off. I’d sooner the Afghan government made money from opium sales than lose resources trying to suppress it.

It’s time we stopped trying to control lives and let some people kill themselves off.

by: PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Images from Peru (Coca Bush Edition) Sat, 02 Sep 2025 17:33:44 +0000 [...] Speaking of the cultivation of certain types of plants, I was able to see an actual coca bush during my trip to the Amazon. Coca leaves, the key raw ingredient in cocaine, are used by indigenous peoples across the region. Primarily it is used as an appetite suppressant when chewed, allowing people to work through the day without stopping to eat–either for efficiency’s sake or because there is an insufficient supply of food. [...] […] Speaking of the cultivation of certain types of plants, I was able to see an actual coca bush during my trip to the Amazon. Coca leaves, the key raw ingredient in cocaine, are used by indigenous peoples across the region. Primarily it is used as an appetite suppressant when chewed, allowing people to work through the day without stopping to eat–either for efficiency’s sake or because there is an insufficient supply of food. […]
