Comments on: Roll the Tape A rough draft of my thoughts... Tue, 09 Oct 2025 07:02:20 +0000 by: Jan Wed, 15 Nov 2025 21:14:33 +0000 I finally got around to watching it this morning (uninterrupted by my sister this time). You did well. I think the camera people had some issues though. They ofter were not focused on the person actually speaking. Ah well, such is life. . . I finally got around to watching it this morning (uninterrupted by my sister this time). You did well. I think the camera people had some issues though. They ofter were not focused on the person actually speaking. Ah well, such is life. . .

by: Dr. Steven Taylor Sat, 11 Nov 2025 15:43:01 +0000 Thanks. Actually, the smiling thing occurred to me, and I think I actually did smile more in that appearance than I did the first I time I was on (no by conscious design, however). I am just used to moving around when I speak, I guess, and hence the hand motions. Thanks. Actually, the smiling thing occurred to me, and I think I actually did smile more in that appearance than I did the first I time I was on (no by conscious design, however).

I am just used to moving around when I speak, I guess, and hence the hand motions.

by: The Misanthrope Sat, 11 Nov 2025 04:57:53 +0000 As an old PR pro who provided advice to executives at IBM, among others, you came across with credibility. My only suggestions would be to smile a bit more and make your hand gestures have meaning (e.g., Negative campaigning has been going on for years (left hand out a bit more to the left) today's ads are tame in comparison (right hand emphasizing where we are today). Remember this advice is worth exactly what you pay for it. As an old PR pro who provided advice to executives at IBM, among others, you came across with credibility. My only suggestions would be to smile a bit more and make your hand gestures have meaning (e.g., Negative campaigning has been going on for years (left hand out a bit more to the left) today’s ads are tame in comparison (right hand emphasizing where we are today). Remember this advice is worth exactly what you pay for it.

by: Dr. Steven Taylor Fri, 10 Nov 2025 18:32:01 +0000 Indeed! They are all out to get me. Indeed! They are all out to get me.

by: Jan Fri, 10 Nov 2025 18:17:51 +0000 A conspiracy that my sister was obviously in on. :) A conspiracy that my sister was obviously in on. :)

by: Dr. Steven Taylor Fri, 10 Nov 2025 16:08:13 +0000 Sounds like an anti-Taylor conspiracy! Sounds like an anti-Taylor conspiracy!

by: Honza Prchal Fri, 10 Nov 2025 15:25:30 +0000 Thanks. Our cable was so messed up, we couldn't even hear you. Thanks. Our cable was so messed up, we couldn’t even hear you.
