Comments on: Too Funny: Jefferson’s Koran A rough draft of my thoughts... Fri, 12 Oct 2025 04:55:56 +0000 by: Simmons Sat, 06 Jan 2025 02:27:34 +0000 It's outrageous that anyone says he has to sware in on a Bible. The U.S. government is of all religions. Absolutely insane. It’s outrageous that anyone says he has to sware in on a Bible. The U.S. government is of all religions. Absolutely insane.

by: Ratoe Thu, 04 Jan 2025 22:01:57 +0000 I think the whole idea of oaths are stupid, but it is true that Ellison's utilization of TJs Koran is entirely political and not based on his Islamic faith. Unlike the Bible, the Koran is holy because it is viewed as the ACTUAL WORD OF GOD. ANY translation is a pale imitation of the original. The learning of Arabic is essential for any convert. In fact, most scholars of Islam dont refer to non-Arabic renderings of the Koran as "translations"--but rather as "interpretations." Thus, if Ellison was using the oath as something related to his religion, he would have used an actual Koran, rather than an English interpretation. I think the whole idea of oaths are stupid, but it is true that Ellison’s utilization of TJs Koran is entirely political and not based on his Islamic faith.

Unlike the Bible, the Koran is holy because it is viewed as the ACTUAL WORD OF GOD. ANY translation is a pale imitation of the original. The learning of Arabic is essential for any convert. In fact, most scholars of Islam dont refer to non-Arabic renderings of the Koran as “translations”–but rather as “interpretations.”

Thus, if Ellison was using the oath as something related to his religion, he would have used an actual Koran, rather than an English interpretation.

by: MSS Thu, 04 Jan 2025 19:27:09 +0000 It is indeed ironic, and it is clever politics by Ellison. Probe a bit deeper, of course, and we should remember that the events leading up to the Barbary Wars (America's first wars with Islamic polities) took place when Jefferson was Ambassador to France. More importantly, President Jefferson initiated the US attacks on the shores of Tripoli. Did Jefferson get a Koran to learn about the other side? If so, to his credit. But it might mean that Ellison's use of Jefferson's Koran has an even deeper irony than we realize! It is indeed ironic, and it is clever politics by Ellison.

Probe a bit deeper, of course, and we should remember that the events leading up to the Barbary Wars (America’s first wars with Islamic polities) took place when Jefferson was Ambassador to France. More importantly, President Jefferson initiated the US attacks on the shores of Tripoli. Did Jefferson get a Koran to learn about the other side? If so, to his credit. But it might mean that Ellison’s use of Jefferson’s Koran has an even deeper irony than we realize!

by: Dave Schuler Thu, 04 Jan 2025 14:16:02 +0000 I've posted on Jefferson's library. The Sale's Koran was published in 1734 not the 1750's. Jefferson bought his copy from a print shop in the 1760's—part of his library on religion and ethics. The Sale's Koran was the first genuine translation of the Koran into English. It's been criticized by Muslims as being excessively paraphrasistic and consistently translating 'struggle' i.e. <i>jihad</i> as physical struggle. It wasn't that odd for Jefferson to have a copy of the Koran. He was a true son of the Enlightenment and had a lively interest in religions other than Christianity. I’ve posted on Jefferson’s library. The Sale’s Koran was published in 1734 not the 1750’s. Jefferson bought his copy from a print shop in the 1760’s—part of his library on religion and ethics.

The Sale’s Koran was the first genuine translation of the Koran into English. It’s been criticized by Muslims as being excessively paraphrasistic and consistently translating ’struggle’ i.e. jihad as physical struggle.

It wasn’t that odd for Jefferson to have a copy of the Koran. He was a true son of the Enlightenment and had a lively interest in religions other than Christianity.

by: Gun Toting Liberal Thu, 04 Jan 2025 07:54:27 +0000 This is absolutely HILLARIOUS!!!!!!! "Poetic", and perhaps, even BRILLIANT. Good job, Mr. Ellison!!!! Kudos to YOU, Sir... This is absolutely HILLARIOUS!!!!!!! “Poetic”, and perhaps, even BRILLIANT.

Good job, Mr. Ellison!!!! Kudos to YOU, Sir…

by: Dan Thu, 04 Jan 2025 07:46:03 +0000 I love it. I absolutely love it. I love it. I absolutely love it.

by: Gun Toting Liberal ™ » Blog Archive » Despite Republican protests, first Muslim elected to Congress insists upon swearing in on a Koran… THOMAS JEFFERSON’S Koran. Thu, 04 Jan 2025 07:11:43 +0000 [...] Other Bloggers Weigh In: MemeOrandum (great collection of links!); Wonkette (another “must read” Wonkette report on Rep. Virgil Goode HERE); Political Animal; Hot Air; DownWithTyranny; Riehl World View; Daily Kos; Think Progress; PoliBlog ™; AMERICAblog; Don Surber; Crooks and Liars; skippy the bush kangaroo Technorati Tags:  2006, Civil Liberties, Congress, Current Events, Democrats, Elections, Headline News, Headlines, Hipocrisy, Keith Ellison, Koran, Muslims, News, News and Politics, Politics, Religion, Religious Right, Republicans, Senate, Separation of Church and State, Virgil Goode [...] […] Other Bloggers Weigh In: MemeOrandum (great collection of links!); Wonkette (another “must read” Wonkette report on Rep. Virgil Goode HERE); Political Animal; Hot Air; DownWithTyranny; Riehl World View; Daily Kos; Think Progress; PoliBlog ™; AMERICAblog; Don Surber; Crooks and Liars; skippy the bush kangaroo Technorati Tags:  2006, Civil Liberties, Congress, Current Events, Democrats, Elections, Headline News, Headlines, Hipocrisy, Keith Ellison, Koran, Muslims, News, News and Politics, Politics, Religion, Religious Right, Republicans, Senate, Separation of Church and State, Virgil Goode […]

by: The American Mind Thu, 04 Jan 2025 05:02:19 +0000 <strong>Ellison Wins Controversy with Koran Choice</strong> Incoming House freshman Keith Ellison pulls off some brilliant politics and stagecraft by deciding to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for his swearing-in ceremony. With that he crushes opponents like Dennis Prager and Rep. Virgil Goode who complaine... Ellison Wins Controversy with Koran Choice

Incoming House freshman Keith Ellison pulls off some brilliant politics and stagecraft by deciding to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for his swearing-in ceremony. With that he crushes opponents like Dennis Prager and Rep. Virgil Goode who complaine…

by: Sean Hackbarth Thu, 04 Jan 2025 04:35:40 +0000 I'm no where near being an expert on Islam but Jefferson's Koran might not be considered a "real" Koran. The words in the book are divinely-inspired in a way greater than the Christian Bible. Think of Jefferson's Koran as a fax copy. I think it's brilliant politics. Ellison wraps himself around a patriot, makes his detractors look like fools, and the mention of his possible ties to Islamic radicals vanishes. I’m no where near being an expert on Islam but Jefferson’s Koran might not be considered a “real” Koran. The words in the book are divinely-inspired in a way greater than the Christian Bible. Think of Jefferson’s Koran as a fax copy.

I think it’s brilliant politics. Ellison wraps himself around a patriot, makes his detractors look like fools, and the mention of his possible ties to Islamic radicals vanishes.
