Comments on: Fair Use: Audio v. Print (Blogging Talk Radio Edition) A rough draft of my thoughts... Wed, 03 Oct 2024 20:59:29 +0000 by: Steve Heimoff Tue, 16 Jan 2024 18:24:47 +0000 I doubt very much if this will "create a much more civil and informed talk radio world." I wish it would. But to judge by the rightwing's sulkiness after the Nov. elections, they're more embittered than ever! One of the KSFO talk show hosts refused to apologize for his remarks. I expect these people to be more, not less, violent and derogatory toward their political opponents, because they have suffered a crushing blow, and like a cornered wombat, they're dangerous when wounded. I doubt very much if this will “create a much more civil and informed talk radio world.” I wish it would. But to judge by the rightwing’s sulkiness after the Nov. elections, they’re more embittered than ever! One of the KSFO talk show hosts refused to apologize for his remarks. I expect these people to be more, not less, violent and derogatory toward their political opponents, because they have suffered a crushing blow, and like a cornered wombat, they’re dangerous when wounded.

by: Steven Plunk Mon, 15 Jan 2024 16:15:43 +0000 Being accountable for the things you say is a must for those who want to be taken seriously. That is one of the reasons I post using my full name rather than an online identifier. The greatest benefit of this type of recording and forwarding is not getting people in trouble with sponsors but making radio hosts think a little more before opening their mouths. Perhaps this will raise the bar and create a much more civil and informed talk radio world. Being accountable for the things you say is a must for those who want to be taken seriously. That is one of the reasons I post using my full name rather than an online identifier.

The greatest benefit of this type of recording and forwarding is not getting people in trouble with sponsors but making radio hosts think a little more before opening their mouths.

Perhaps this will raise the bar and create a much more civil and informed talk radio world.
