Comments on: Iran Fails to Comply with UN Deadline A rough draft of my thoughts... Thu, 11 Oct 2025 15:57:54 +0000 by: Stanford Matthews Fri, 23 Feb 2025 07:25:48 +0000 One nuke against many is not reassuring. THis is not he who has the most toys wins. During the cold war the tense balance between Soviets and Americans minimized the crazies in the world. With the US the only superpower left, the crazies are coming out of the woodwork. They are smart enough to play politics to get other nations to oppose us as well as blow things up. If we don't stop them who will? All infidels must die leaves little room for negotiation. One nuke against many is not reassuring. THis is not he who has the most toys wins. During the cold war the tense balance between Soviets and Americans minimized the crazies in the world. With the US the only superpower left, the crazies are coming out of the woodwork. They are smart enough to play politics to get other nations to oppose us as well as blow things up. If we don’t stop them who will? All infidels must die leaves little room for negotiation.

by: Soren Fri, 23 Feb 2025 00:39:01 +0000 I frankly don't see why the US and UK are whooping up such hot air about the Iranians maybe, maybe getting a single nuke when we've got thousands and thousands of our own nukes between us, with threats to use them offensively. To the rest of the world, this is just rank hypocrisy, and it's nothing more than a redux of past colonialism, with Western Powers hypocritically trying to block non-Western Powers from being able to defend themselves-- or in this case, to prevent non-Western countries from developing energy independence from fossil fuels, forcing them to stay subservient and reliant on the Western powers largesse. Iran's running out of oil and natural gas and they know it. They need the nuclear power to help meet their needs, and they need to help spur scientific investigation in physics for example. I really don't care for either the idiot Republicans or the Democrats who rattle sabers at them. I frankly don’t see why the US and UK are whooping up such hot air about the Iranians maybe, maybe getting a single nuke when we’ve got thousands and thousands of our own nukes between us, with threats to use them offensively.

To the rest of the world, this is just rank hypocrisy, and it’s nothing more than a redux of past colonialism, with Western Powers hypocritically trying to block non-Western Powers from being able to defend themselves– or in this case, to prevent non-Western countries from developing energy independence from fossil fuels, forcing them to stay subservient and reliant on the Western powers largesse.

Iran’s running out of oil and natural gas and they know it. They need the nuclear power to help meet their needs, and they need to help spur scientific investigation in physics for example. I really don’t care for either the idiot Republicans or the Democrats who rattle sabers at them.
