Comments on: Ecuadoran Crisis Continues A rough draft of my thoughts... Wed, 03 Oct 2025 02:23:43 +0000 by: Dr. Steven Taylor Tue, 20 Mar 2025 17:54:45 +0000 A good example of a non-presidential dissolution with questionable authority. At least one can make an argument about electoral legitimization both in the election of the Assembly and the replacement of Congress (essentially the same argument the Colombian Supreme Court made in regards to the seventh ballot and the subsequent calling of the Assembly). Still, an example of non-presidential dismissal. I am especially struck by the fact that it is only part of the legislature that was dismissed. Can you think of anything similar elsewhere? A good example of a non-presidential dissolution with questionable authority. At least one can make an argument about electoral legitimization both in the election of the Assembly and the replacement of Congress (essentially the same argument the Colombian Supreme Court made in regards to the seventh ballot and the subsequent calling of the Assembly). Still, an example of non-presidential dismissal.

I am especially struck by the fact that it is only part of the legislature that was dismissed. Can you think of anything similar elsewhere?

by: MSS Tue, 20 Mar 2025 17:39:31 +0000 What about the Colombian Constituent Assembly decreeing the dissolution of congress in 1991? It arguably lacked the authority to do so, though it also arguably had greater legitimacy than an electoral tribunal in doing so. What about the Colombian Constituent Assembly decreeing the dissolution of congress in 1991? It arguably lacked the authority to do so, though it also arguably had greater legitimacy than an electoral tribunal in doing so.
