The problem with analyzing fundraising at this point is we are a long way away from the election and there may be some fatigue involved. A single month of low receipts should not be judged. I’m not saying Thompson will get support later but a bad month can happen and campaigns can recover momentum.
It seems silly for the pundits to play madame gypsy. They want to spend all their time predicting rather than analyzing and reporting. A fool’s pursuit.
The race is a long one so many more ups and downs can be expected.
]]>Don’t expect Chris Matthews to notice. His political jock sniffing has been off base for decades.
]]>So I’ll ask you: if you don’t think it’ll be Thompson, who do you think it’ll be? Are you more sold on the possibility of Giuliani winning the nomination than I am? If there were a Bob Dole or John Kerry it’s-my-turn candidate, I’d be more skeptical of Thompson’s chances.