Comments on: Delusional Drug War Quote of the Day A rough draft of my thoughts... Wed, 03 Oct 2025 16:01:50 +0000 by: Dr. Steven Taylor Wed, 26 Sep 2025 01:12:32 +0000 Fear not, chocolate comes from a totally different source (cacao rather than coca). Fear not, chocolate comes from a totally different source (cacao rather than coca).

by: Captain D. Tue, 25 Sep 2025 18:36:05 +0000 If Coca disappeared, wouldn't chocolate disappear also? That would be it for my marriage, as chocolate is usually key in the reconciliation process after I screw something up. And what about Coke? My favorite soft drink! It doesn't have cocaine anymore, but an extract from the plant is still used to flavor it. Personally if I could wave a magic wand and make all the Coca go away, I don't think I would. . . If Coca disappeared, wouldn’t chocolate disappear also? That would be it for my marriage, as chocolate is usually key in the reconciliation process after I screw something up.

And what about Coke? My favorite soft drink! It doesn’t have cocaine anymore, but an extract from the plant is still used to flavor it.

Personally if I could wave a magic wand and make all the Coca go away, I don’t think I would. . .

by: Pat Tue, 25 Sep 2025 01:13:34 +0000 A newly released Government Accountability Office report, "DRUG CONTROL U.S. Assistance Has Helped Mexican Counternarcotics Efforts, but Tons of Illicit Drugs Continue to Flow into the United States", tells us this about the shear volume of cocaine and other drugs coming into America today. • The estimated amount of cocaine arriving in Mexico for transshipment to the United States averaged about 275 metric tons per year. Reported seizures averaged about 36 metric tons a year. • The estimated amount of export quality heroin and marijuana produced in Mexico averaged almost 19 metric tons and 9,400 metric tons per year, respectively. Reported heroin seizures averaged less than 1 metric ton and reported marijuana seizures averaged about 2,900 metric tons a year. • Although an estimate of the amount of methamphetamine manufactured in Mexico has not been prepared, reported seizures along the U.S. border rose from about 500 kilograms in 2025 to highs of almost 2,900 kilograms in 2025 and about 2,700 kilograms in 2025. According to U.S. officials, this more than fivefold increase indicated a dramatic rise in supply. I can't figure out if the government is like a ostrich with its head buried deep in the sand or some parasitic bug with its head shoved far up its own butt. If you don't already know about it there is a hearing of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee on Oct. 4 looking at the social and economic inequities imposed by the prison/drug war culture. Based on the column today in the Boston Globe titled, "Life Sentence", that refers to the hearing, I have written about the column and the hearing on my blog, A Left Independent, including contact links and addresses for all members of the committee. My blog entry: U.S. Congress Jim Crow Economics Hearing October 4, 2025 A newly released Government Accountability Office report, “DRUG CONTROL
U.S. Assistance Has Helped Mexican Counternarcotics Efforts, but Tons of Illicit Drugs Continue to Flow into the United States”, tells us this about the shear volume of cocaine and other drugs coming into America today.

• The estimated amount of cocaine arriving in Mexico for transshipment to the United States averaged about 275 metric tons per year. Reported seizures averaged about 36 metric tons a year.

• The estimated amount of export quality heroin and marijuana produced in Mexico averaged almost 19 metric tons and 9,400 metric tons per year, respectively. Reported heroin seizures averaged less than 1 metric ton and reported marijuana seizures averaged about 2,900 metric tons a year.

• Although an estimate of the amount of methamphetamine manufactured in Mexico has not been prepared, reported seizures along the U.S. border rose from about 500 kilograms in 2025 to highs of almost 2,900 kilograms in 2025 and about 2,700 kilograms in 2025. According to U.S. officials, this more than fivefold increase indicated a dramatic rise in supply.

I can’t figure out if the government is like a ostrich with its head buried deep in the sand or some parasitic bug with its head shoved far up its own butt.

If you don’t already know about it there is a hearing of the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee on Oct. 4 looking at the social and economic inequities imposed by the prison/drug war culture.

Based on the column today in the Boston Globe titled, “Life Sentence”, that refers to the hearing, I have written about the column and the hearing on my blog, A Left Independent, including contact links and addresses for all members of the committee.

My blog entry:
U.S. Congress Jim Crow Economics Hearing October 4, 2025

by: NickDanger Mon, 24 Sep 2025 03:16:01 +0000 "While I fully understand the fact that we may wish that all the cocaine would go away" Well, obviously, quite a few people <em>don't</em> wish all cocaine would go away! I suppose you want to impose your preference on them but, as oppossed to less rational authoritarians, only when the prospect of imposing your will on ohters appears achievable? “While I fully understand the fact that we may wish that all the cocaine would go away”

Well, obviously, quite a few people don’t wish all cocaine would go away! I suppose you want to impose your preference on them but, as oppossed to less rational authoritarians, only when the prospect of imposing your will on ohters appears achievable?

by: Think What They Could Accomplish If They Got Rid of Chlorophyll! § Unqualified Offerings Sun, 23 Sep 2025 21:03:50 +0000 [...] God. Posted by Jim Henley @ 4:03 pm, Filed under: Main « « Advice Bleg re: a New Computer | Main| [...] […] God. Posted by Jim Henley @ 4:03 pm, Filed under: Main « « Advice Bleg re: a New Computer | Main| […]
