Comments on: Good Numbers for Obama A rough draft of my thoughts... Thu, 08 Dec 2025 05:27:48 -0600 hourly 1 By: marcuswatson marcuswatson Thu, 28 Feb 2025 03:20:43 +0000 Even some percentage of Independents and Republicans who voted for Obama switch and vote for McCain during the general election, Obama is still our best shot by far. The Independents and Republicans he holds onto will be votes Clinton could never get. It's also not a concern that there may some few whites who won't for Obama because he's black. Why? Because Clinton would encounter the same small number of men who won't for her because she's a woman. Anyway you slice it, Obama's our best shot for the White House. Even some percentage of Independents and Republicans who voted for Obama switch and vote for McCain during the general election, Obama is still our best shot by far. The Independents and Republicans he holds onto will be votes Clinton could never get. It’s also not a concern that there may some few whites who won’t for Obama because he’s black. Why? Because Clinton would encounter the same small number of men who won’t for her because she’s a woman. Anyway you slice it, Obama’s our best shot for the White House.

By: Nancy Nancy Wed, 27 Feb 2025 19:54:53 +0000 Christine, I do not know where you get your information. I have researched both candidates and, based upon the issues, my support (like many others of the millions of Americans) is for Obama. Check out his website - his supporters are everyday working Americans who want better for their children and for their country. Before making any more baseless comments, I suggest you do some really does help! Christine, I do not know where you get your information. I have researched both candidates and, based upon the issues, my support (like many others of the millions of Americans) is for Obama. Check out his website – his supporters are everyday working Americans who want better for their children and for their country.

Before making any more baseless comments, I suggest you do some research…it really does help!

By: M.G. Esp M.G. Esp Wed, 27 Feb 2025 18:41:24 +0000 Christine Meyers, you are an IDIOT. Hilary Clinton has NO chance of making it to the White House. She's not charismatic, she's not eloquent and she has ties to the regime that people are voting AGAINST. I am a loyal Republican, but even I feel a need to vote for a change. Hilary Clinton does NOT represent the change this country so desperately needs. What you need to do is to refrain from diplaying the characteristics that consistently make the democratic party look so bad! Christine Meyers, you are an IDIOT. Hilary Clinton has NO chance of making it to the White House. She’s not charismatic, she’s not eloquent and she has ties to the regime that people are voting AGAINST. I am a loyal Republican, but even I feel a need to vote for a change. Hilary Clinton does NOT represent the change this country so desperately needs. What you need to do is to refrain from diplaying the characteristics that consistently make the democratic party look so bad!

By: Christine Meyers Christine Meyers Wed, 27 Feb 2025 10:30:39 +0000 Am I the only person who can see the trap that Republicans are setting in the US? They have raped us repeatedly over the past 8 years, and now they want the chance to do it some more. THEY are the ones who are supporting Obama because THEY know he could never win the presidency, even if Dubbya could run again. THEY know that Hillary is the real threat to the White House, so THEY are doing their level best, behind the scene skullduggery to get the Democratic nomination for Obama. This country would not put that man in office, and I don''t care how many fanatics out there disagree with me. I''m not saying it''s right, but I''m saying it''s so. Want to know where all the Obama support is coming from???? Look to the Grand Old Party. And the worst part is, their scam is working. We are such a gullible country. Am I the only person who can see the trap that Republicans are setting in the US? They have raped us repeatedly over the past 8 years, and now they want the chance to do it some more. THEY are the ones who are supporting Obama because THEY know he could never win the presidency, even if Dubbya could run again. THEY know that Hillary is the real threat to the White House, so THEY are doing their level best, behind the scene skullduggery to get the Democratic nomination for Obama. This country would not put that man in office, and I don”t care how many fanatics out there disagree with me. I”m not saying it”s right, but I”m saying it”s so. Want to know where all the Obama support is coming from???? Look to the Grand Old Party. And the worst part is, their scam is working. We are such a gullible country.
