Comments on: Terrorists are in the Kitchen Eating my Wife’s Jam A rough draft of my thoughts... Thu, 08 Dec 2025 05:27:48 -0600 hourly 1 By: Dave Dave Mon, 02 Jun 2025 04:08:17 +0000 The ignorance of some of these columnists are alarming, yes the PLO and other terrorists wear these scarves but then again most of the Arabs wearing the scarves are not terrorists. They're just exposing themselves as being biased & racist by going overboard on the Dunkin Donuts ad. The ignorance of some of these columnists are alarming, yes the PLO and other terrorists wear these scarves but then again most of the Arabs wearing the scarves are not terrorists.
They’re just exposing themselves as being biased & racist by going overboard on the Dunkin Donuts ad.

By: PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » The Python Skit I was Looking for (Plus Thoughts on the War on Terror) PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » The Python Skit I was Looking for (Plus Thoughts on the War on Terror) Sun, 01 Jun 2025 18:42:02 +0000 [...] reader kindly did the needed GoogleWork to find the Monty Phyton skit I was looking for the other day at [...] [...] reader kindly did the needed GoogleWork to find the Monty Phyton skit I was looking for the other day at [...]

By: Dr. Steven Taylor Dr. Steven Taylor Sun, 01 Jun 2025 01:49:55 +0000 Pete, Bravo for the find! Clearly I didn't look long or hard enough. Pete,

Bravo for the find! Clearly I didn’t look long or hard enough.

By: Pete Warden Pete Warden Sat, 31 May 2025 17:12:44 +0000 I can never resist a Google challenge. Here's what I found: "Michael Palin : Hello I am just listening to this record with my wife and our au-pair and I’d like to say how shocked we are that a pleasant collection of Norwegian folk songs should be turned into an excuse for communist propaganda of the shoddiest kind. What’s gone wrong with the world. I can’t even take a bath without 6 or 7 communists jumping in with me. They’re in my shirt cupboard and Breshnev and Kosegan are in the kitchen now eating my wife’s jam. Oh they are cutting off my legs. I can see them peeping out of my wife’s blouse. Why doesn’t Mr Maulding do something about it before it is to late. Ohhhh….God…" What's especially amusing is the original quote is also complaining about hidden communist messages in a commercial product. I can never resist a Google challenge. Here’s what I found:

“Michael Palin : Hello I am just listening to this record with my wife and our au-pair and I’d like to say how shocked we are that a pleasant collection of Norwegian folk songs should be turned into an excuse for communist propaganda of the shoddiest kind. What’s gone wrong with the world. I can’t even take a bath without 6 or 7 communists jumping in with me. They’re in my shirt cupboard and Breshnev and Kosegan are in the kitchen now eating my wife’s jam. Oh they are cutting off my legs. I can see them peeping out of my wife’s blouse. Why doesn’t Mr Maulding do something about it before it is to late. Ohhhh….God…”

What’s especially amusing is the original quote is also complaining about hidden communist messages in a commercial product.

By: PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Prepare for Another Malkin Meltdown PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Prepare for Another Malkin Meltdown Fri, 30 May 2025 17:19:17 +0000 [...] (Thanks all that is Good and Right that he wasn’t wearing a scarf!) [...] [...] (Thanks all that is Good and Right that he wasn’t wearing a scarf!) [...]

By: Dr. Steven Taylor Dr. Steven Taylor Fri, 30 May 2025 16:01:11 +0000 But here's the real crux of the problem: the type of scarf in question is not exclusively worn by terrorists, but rather is worn by normal people who live in a desert climate. Indeed, it is my understanding that some our own troops in Afghanistan wear them. the whole thing is ridiculous and clearly xenophobic. Along those lines I would recommend <a href="" rel="nofollow">this post</a> at Electric Venom. But here’s the real crux of the problem: the type of scarf in question is not exclusively worn by terrorists, but rather is worn by normal people who live in a desert climate. Indeed, it is my understanding that some our own troops in Afghanistan wear them. the whole thing is ridiculous and clearly xenophobic.

Along those lines I would recommend this post at Electric Venom.

By: betty betty Fri, 30 May 2025 06:05:22 +0000 While I agree this is ridiculous because her scarf looks simply like a scarf, I'd like to play the devil's advocate. We must remember symbols have always represented an important part of all cultures throughout time. Had Rachel Ray worn a swastika arm band or white hood the world would have been appalled. I am amazed that certain forms of dress have become en vogue. As an expatriate from the U.S. it disturbs me that we can be so insensitive especially after 911 and I can only attribute this to ignorance. For many of us living elsewhere in the world, we see up close what these symbols represent. These organizations and governments actively support the suppression of women, the banning of freedom of religion and speech, and the tacit acceptance of violence against innocent human beings all in the name of a cause or belief. Have we become so P.C. that we refuse to tell the truth or are we somehow hoping that our own human/democratic values are also shared by all? Read, listen and observe. Actions always speak louder than words. Remember, symbols are powerful messages! While I agree this is ridiculous because her scarf looks simply like a scarf, I’d like to play the devil’s advocate. We must remember symbols have always represented an important part of all cultures throughout time. Had Rachel Ray worn a swastika arm band or white hood the world would have been appalled. I am amazed that certain forms of dress have become en vogue. As an expatriate from the U.S. it disturbs me that we can be so insensitive especially after 911 and I can only attribute this to ignorance. For many of us living elsewhere in the world, we see up close what these symbols represent. These organizations and governments actively support the suppression of women, the banning of freedom of religion and speech, and the tacit acceptance of violence against innocent human beings all in the name of a cause or belief. Have we become so P.C. that we refuse to tell the truth or are we somehow hoping that our own human/democratic values are also shared by all? Read, listen and observe. Actions always speak louder than words. Remember, symbols are powerful messages!

By: Beth Beth Thu, 29 May 2025 22:19:52 +0000 <i>the only people who are offended in this context are people like Malkin, Johnson and Geller.</i> And Debbie Schlussel, which should tell you everything--she thought Fred Thompson was kowtowing to Islamists because he had Spencer Abraham as an adviser (ZOMG, he's half Lebanese!!). I sort of consider them a pretty reliable barometer of nutty overreaction, although Johnson is usually much less paranoid (he's pretty rough on the paranoid right in most cases). That Michelle Malkin includes Meghan McCain in her rant is no surprise; she IS the daughter of the terrorist- and NAU/Reconquista-loving scary <del>John McCain</del> "Juan McAmnesty," after all. /eyeroll the only people who are offended in this context are people like Malkin, Johnson and Geller.

And Debbie Schlussel, which should tell you everything–she thought Fred Thompson was kowtowing to Islamists because he had Spencer Abraham as an adviser (ZOMG, he’s half Lebanese!!).
I sort of consider them a pretty reliable barometer of nutty overreaction, although Johnson is usually much less paranoid (he’s pretty rough on the paranoid right in most cases).

That Michelle Malkin includes Meghan McCain in her rant is no surprise; she IS the daughter of the terrorist- and NAU/Reconquista-loving scary John McCain “Juan McAmnesty,” after all.

By: Keffiyeh Controversy = Pig Vomit Episode | MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Keffiyeh Controversy = Pig Vomit Episode | MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Thu, 29 May 2025 20:55:28 +0000 [...] the default for the conservative blogosphere. Merri (a long-time Rachel Ray watcher) and plenty of others have more. But I guess sanity doesn’t sell in the blogosphere, does it? Pig [...] [...] the default for the conservative blogosphere. Merri (a long-time Rachel Ray watcher) and plenty of others have more. But I guess sanity doesn’t sell in the blogosphere, does it? Pig [...]

By: Dr. Steven Taylor Dr. Steven Taylor Thu, 29 May 2025 17:22:40 +0000 <i>I am glad you cannot see well, since that is very, very funny.</i> More to the point: Malkin can't see well. I am glad you cannot see well, since that is very, very funny.

More to the point: Malkin can’t see well.
