Comments on: Amazing Numbers for Obama Speech A rough draft of my thoughts... Thu, 08 Dec 2025 05:27:48 -0600 hourly 1 By: MSS MSS Sun, 31 Aug 2025 20:29:27 +0000 If the country-club/equestrian set who run the homeowners association where I live (I'm just an interloper among them) would reschedule a board meeting in order to allow people to watch Obama's speech, something amazing is going on, indeed. If the country-club/equestrian set who run the homeowners association where I live (I’m just an interloper among them) would reschedule a board meeting in order to allow people to watch Obama’s speech, something amazing is going on, indeed.

By: Dr. Steven Taylor Dr. Steven Taylor Sat, 30 Aug 2025 15:14:58 +0000 Of course, any given nomination acceptance speech will be viewed by supporters, opponents and those in between. The bottom line is more viewers is better, as it increases the odds that someone changed their mind or was otherwise influenced. Of course, I am hardly suggesting that viewership equals votes/support. Of course, any given nomination acceptance speech will be viewed by supporters, opponents and those in between. The bottom line is more viewers is better, as it increases the odds that someone changed their mind or was otherwise influenced. Of course, I am hardly suggesting that viewership equals votes/support.

By: Boyd Boyd Sat, 30 Aug 2025 04:31:03 +0000 I watched Obama's speech last night, but it certainly wasn't because I support him. The Obama campaign got their message out to me, but I don't think they would consider that to be a net positive. I watched Obama’s speech last night, but it certainly wasn’t because I support him. The Obama campaign got their message out to me, but I don’t think they would consider that to be a net positive.
