Comments on: It’s The “Change is Coming” Version of the Toast-O-Meter A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 16:03:20 +0000 by: Insults Unpunished Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Presidential Approval</strong> - Empty 'Approval' The Gallup Organization has been asking voters the same exact question about Presidential approval for decades and this consistency makes Gallup's approval ratings more useful as an indicator of a President's electability. Th... Presidential Approval - Empty ‘Approval’ The Gallup Organization has been asking voters the same exact question about Presidential approval for decades and this consistency makes Gallup’s approval ratings more useful as an indicator of a President’s electability. Th…

by: Backcountry Conservative Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Around the Blogroll</strong> James Joyner discusses Aristide leaving Haiti and the death of Daniel Boorstin. Michele Catalano is summarizing novels in 25 words or less and discussing the quality of the school district her new house is located in. Kevin Aylward hosts a... Around the Blogroll

James Joyner discusses Aristide leaving Haiti and the death of Daniel Boorstin. Michele Catalano is summarizing novels in 25 words or less and discussing the quality of the school district her new house is located in. Kevin Aylward hosts a…

by: Steven L. Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 I watched part of the Democratic debate -- it appeared that Edwards is not really interested in winning here, but just playing nice and helping the party bash Bush -- but while in the "race," the democratic primaries still get free press. Is he staying in to help get this press? Perhaps angling for a veep slot (which would seem unlikely) or just banking some favors from the party for later? Or is that to conspiracy theory-ish? I watched part of the Democratic debate — it appeared that Edwards is not really interested in winning here, but just playing nice and helping the party bash Bush — but while in the “race,” the democratic primaries still get free press.

Is he staying in to help get this press? Perhaps angling for a veep slot (which would seem unlikely) or just banking some favors from the party for later? Or is that to conspiracy theory-ish?

by: CALIFORNIA YANKEE Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>This Week's Toast Is Up</strong> Steven Taylor, at PoliBlog, has posted this week's Toast-O-Meter. Steven sums it up: It’s the “Change is Comingâ€? Edition of the Toast-O-Meter, because, let’s face facts, Kerry is going to have a HUGH Snoozer Tuesday and Edwards, who may still This Week’s Toast Is Up
Steven Taylor, at PoliBlog, has posted this week’s Toast-O-Meter. Steven sums it up: It’s the “Change is Comingâ€? Edition of the Toast-O-Meter, because, let’s face facts, Kerry is going to have a HUGH Snoozer Tuesday and Edwards, who may still

by: Mark the Pundit Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Toast</strong> The latest edition of the Toast-o-Meter is up. Toast
The latest edition of the Toast-o-Meter is up.

by: Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Congratulations to Poliblogger</strong> Steven Taylor just got tenure. Congrats! When I was up for tenure (a nerve-wracking time, even worse than sweating out the bar exam), a senior colleague told me that getting tenure didn't change anything in your life except that you Congratulations to Poliblogger
Steven Taylor just got tenure. Congrats! When I was up for tenure (a nerve-wracking time, even worse than sweating out the bar exam), a senior colleague told me that getting tenure didn’t change anything in your life except that you

by: mark Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Guam is a closed caucus with 3 of 5 delegates to be allotted. From my youthful teens in the early '80s, I recall professional wrestling tag team called The Samoans, and they looked like Kucinich voters to me. Guam is a closed caucus with 3 of 5 delegates to be allotted.

From my youthful teens in the early ’80s, I recall professional wrestling tag team called The Samoans, and they looked like Kucinich voters to me.

by: Signifying Nothing Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>More toast</strong> Steven Taylor has this week&#8217;s edition of the Toast-O-Meter; we&#8217;re firmly in the denouement stage here, folks. More toast
Steven Taylor has this week’s edition of the Toast-O-Meter; we’re firmly in the denouement stage here, folks.

by: Outside the Beltway Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Toast-O-Meter Update</strong> Steven Taylor has the latest Toast-O-Meter at PoliBlog.... Toast-O-Meter Update
Steven Taylor has the latest Toast-O-Meter at PoliBlog….
