His words in NY smack of imperialistic unilateralism.
]]>Bill, you need to tell Mr. Kerry that “The Passion of the Christ” grossed $117 million in five days making it the seventh largest film opening in history, the second largest starting on a Wednesday, and astronomically higher than any foreign language film.
Perhaps John is counting on the Spiderman vote.
]]>(For those of you not up on the reference, Peter Parker is Spiderman - shhhh, don’t tell - and the first Spiderman film had the largest opening gross in movie history.)
]]>If George Jr. was so “bloodthirsty” in his year-long rush to war (with additional UN resolutions and Congressional approval), why didn’t he order more of those Daisy Cutter mo-fo’s dropped on civilian populations? Screw the precision guided missiles, let’s nuke the friggin’ country! (Although the blast from a nuke would vaporize all the blood and it wouldn’t be much fun if you were a vampire, would it? Maybe he could have sent in his top secret army of radioactive vampire monkeys to bite people, turning them into zombies who would in turn bite more peole, leaving puddles of blood all over the place. It would make “Evil Dead 2″ look like the “Strawberry Shortcake Movie.”)