Comments on: Law Enforcement or War? A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 15:55:56 +0000 by: Miles Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Computer security recourse: <a href="">:SecureRoot:</a> Computer security recourse: :SecureRoot:

by: Hellblazer Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>Find the lady</strong> I guess this is because it's really a war metaphor and not a law enforcement problem, right? I.R.S. Request for More Terrorism Investigators Is Deniedhe Bush administration has scuttled a plan to increase by 50 percent the number of criminal... Find the lady
I guess this is because it’s really a war metaphor and not a law enforcement problem, right? I.R.S. Request for More Terrorism Investigators Is Deniedhe Bush administration has scuttled a plan to increase by 50 percent the number of criminal…

by: Steven Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 The mob is hardly a good analogy. For one thing, al Qaeda isn't working primarily in the US. Further, the mob wasn't going to indiscriminately blow up hundreds, if not thousands of people. Terrorism is far more than an organized crime situation. And, I would note, that when legislation like that the Patriot Act is passed to try and combat domestic operations, then the cries of civil liberties' violations commences. And Hal, calling something a fantasy and then stating that the "facts speak for themselves" is not an argument. Rather, they are two unsupported statements. Even you have argued that the war in Afghanistan was necessary (if memory serves). Contrast the invasion of Afghanistan to the Clinton administration's policies, for example. The mob is hardly a good analogy. For one thing, al Qaeda isn’t working primarily in the US. Further, the mob wasn’t going to indiscriminately blow up hundreds, if not thousands of people. Terrorism is far more than an organized crime situation.

And, I would note, that when legislation like that the Patriot Act is passed to try and combat domestic operations, then the cries of civil liberties’ violations commences.

And Hal, calling something a fantasy and then stating that the “facts speak for themselves” is not an argument. Rather, they are two unsupported statements.

Even you have argued that the war in Afghanistan was necessary (if memory serves). Contrast the invasion of Afghanistan to the Clinton administration’s policies, for example.

by: Hal Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Waw? This is demonstratably false. Look at the actions against the Mob. They didn't wait for things to happen. They actively went out and turned over every rock and stone looking for them. They invented new laws (RICO, etc) to compensate for the limitations of those that were on the books. This is a complete fantasy of you on the Right. The glaring facts speak otherwise. Waw? This is demonstratably false. Look at the actions against the Mob. They didn’t wait for things to happen. They actively went out and turned over every rock and stone looking for them. They invented new laws (RICO, etc) to compensate for the limitations of those that were on the books.

This is a complete fantasy of you on the Right. The glaring facts speak otherwise.
