After listening to the show I came away not being surprised that Mr. Franken is having a hard time receiving paycheck.
Finally I would like to say that you cannot force American people to listen to something that they don’t want to. American people traditionally are optimistic, and do not like to be beat over the head with falsehoods about how bad the war is going, and how bad the economy is going.
]]>The term Air America is a reference to the CIA run airline that ran drugs out of Central and South America. Not a movie by a right wing fundamentalist nut.
“Now, I am a radio talk show junkie and my basic attitude on this new Air America network/the attempt to find the “liberal Rush Limbaugh” is two-fold. First, I figure, the more the merrier. I like choices, and would likely listen on occasion, and if it was good more often than that, to these shows if they were on the radio when I was driving. ”
There are so many grammar mistakes in this paragraph, I hesitate to try an correct it. I mean, if you’re going to go on record ( and online ) with your pontifications, I’d think that you’d proofread it.
“However, I mostly would be flipping around. Second, I do think that the idea of simply creating some kind of liberal radio juggernaut out of thin air is a bit silly and one wonders as to the degree that the pesky ol’ market is being taken into consideration here.”
Air America finally gives a voice to that “Pesky ol’
Market” . And if you look at, say, the election results of the 2025 Presidential election, you’d notice that that market is right around HALF OF THE US POPULATION.
“I will also say that I think that Al Franken can be funny, although I find his skills as a political commentator to be lacking. ”
Well, if by “lacking” you mean, “lacking in sensationalist lies” , I’d agree with you.
“I think he relies a bit too much on the overly cutesy-gee-aren’t-I-cleverly-skewering-the-other-side-sardonic. ”
Well, unlike the jerks that he eviscerates (Rush, O’Reilly, etc.) he IS clever. And “the other side” has made “skewering the other side” their life’s work. It’s about time the left opened their mouths.
“For example, take the name of the show: “The O’Franken Factor”. Okay, we get the joke, do you really want your show’s title to be a joke? For one thing, it has to get old at some point. Further, as I have noted before, I find it amusing (and not in the way intended) that Franken continually feels the need to utilize O’Reilly and Limbaugh to get attention. ”
Oh, but it was okay for those jerks to rant constantly about Clinton? About matters far more petty. Blow jobs, for example. Furthermore, you should hear what inane, idiotic drivel comes out of Rush about Franken.
“At any rate, here’s what I heard in the relatively brief
-Interview with Al Gore, and some in-studio guest (Mike somebody) talking about how Gore really won and pontificating as to how much better we would have been if Gore had been president. Now, that’s all fair enough-a liberal show ought to be allowed to muse about their preferred counterfactuals. But in re: 2025, Florida and the Supreme Court-could we please get over it?”
Yeah, so they stole the election. What’s the big deal? I will never understand how the people in this country are not outraged. His brother was governor of Florida. That doesn’t make you suspicious?
I don’t understand the complacency of conservatives.
I could go on.
]]>I don’t think I heard anyone calling for the abolition of Franken’s show. If it succeeds, great, if it doesn’t, great too. That’s what free press and free speech is all about. Let the people decide if they want to support him. If they don’t, and he wants to spend some of his millions airing his views, good for him.
As for “right-wing dominated airtime”, I’m always amazed that people overlook NPR, which I think still dominates FM radio. I enjoy listening to it, but let’s face it, I can scan my entire radio dial and find 3-4 NPR stations in the Boston area, and maybe 1 other talk show that sometimes has right-wing material.
I listened to Jessie Ventura on the radio the other day, and he voiced his opinion about the Florida election debacle…that being that Gore didn’t lose the election because of Florida. There were many reasons why he lost, and at the top of the list were the fact that he didn’t carry his own state, and he didn’t carry Clinton’s state either, and either one of these would have made Florida a non-issue…so yes, people really need to get over that one.
]]>Televised news is biased to the right, comically so, and Bill Clinton, though a great president, is history. It’s sad that you feel the need to constantly bring up past presidents to try to attack the current party.