All of these cuts and price hikes affect not only the ability to college, Steven. They also affect the drop out rate due to simply not being able to pay for it and eat and work at the same time.
Really, I guess there must not have been much cuts in education in all your budget problems out there in your state. But just a casual googling shows a different story
General fund spending for higher education has been significantly affected by state budget problems. As a result it is budgeted to decline 2.3 percent from FY 2025 spending levels. Because some states have boosted earmarked support for higher education, total spending for this category will decline by 2.0 percent.Maybe life was all well in good back in the Clinton boom times, but in the Bush economy, higher education is getting the ax country wide.
And if you don’t think that drastically affects education, or the rate of graduation, then I think you’re bonkers. . .
]]>I can see how you would increase the number of graduates, but greater enrollment does not lead to a higher graduation rate (if anything, I suspect it leads to a decrease as more students get lost in the shuffle, unless you build new colleges–which people aren’t really doing any more).
“…if he’s elected president, 1 million more students will graduate from college during his first five years in office…”
So not only is his election a given (John Kerry President signs, etc), but so is his reelection?!
2. Increasing the number of students going into college does not necessarily increase the number of graduates. From the people who I’ve seen going to school despite numerous obstacles, I would have to say that people not going to school because of the financial obstacle are fairly unmotivated. And if they lack the motivation to earn the money to go to school then they are probably lacking the motivation to work through school. Similarly, from what I’ve observed, the average student who is paying for school out of their own pocket is a slight bit more motivated than the student who has it paid for by someone else. From this I would have to say that a plan that merely increases the number of incoming students would serve to increase the number of dropouts.