Comments on: Politics and the $87 Billion A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 21:32:24 +0000 by: Bill K Tue, 31 Aug 2025 18:38:20 +0000 Anywho...moving along. Look forward to your Toast reviewing tonights performances. Anywho…moving along. Look forward to your Toast reviewing tonights performances.

by: Bill K Tue, 31 Aug 2025 18:37:09 +0000 Okay, then consensus says George Bush lied to take us to war. Is that how the word consensus is used? One can believe that this was a political technique by Kerry, but the fact it is being presented without context and as a fact is what angers me. Just as people non-chalantly saying Bush lied angers you. Guess which one has better circumstantial evidence? Okay, then consensus says George Bush lied to take us to war.

Is that how the word consensus is used?

One can believe that this was a political technique by Kerry, but the fact it is being presented without context and as a fact is what angers me. Just as people non-chalantly saying Bush lied angers you. Guess which one has better circumstantial evidence?

by: Steven Taylor Tue, 31 Aug 2025 16:20:35 +0000 Bill, The consensus view is clearly that Kerry's vote on the $87 billion ws the result of pure political calculation. You think otherwise if you like. S Bill,

The consensus view is clearly that Kerry’s vote on the $87 billion ws the result of pure political calculation. You think otherwise if you like.


by: Bill K Tue, 31 Aug 2025 14:48:27 +0000 And Clinton's response: "Well, we had lots of discussions during that time period. But, you know, this reminds me of what the Bush campaign did to John McCain. You know, John McCain has voted against defense appropriations bills in order to make a point, and the Bush campaign then went after him, pulling something out of that bill and saying that he wasn't in favor of breast cancer research. You know, I think John, who understands war a heck of a lot better than I do, for example, and has understood completely what it would mean for us to be on a wrong path in Iraq, was making the point that, you know, by the time we had that vote, we needed to take a hard look at the policies of this administration. That was a perfectly legitimate position. And I think just like John McCain, nobody can say that John Kerry doesn't support our troops, that he doesn't know firsthand the dangers and perils of combat." And Clinton’s response:

“Well, we had lots of discussions during that time period. But, you know, this reminds me of what the Bush campaign did to John McCain. You know, John McCain has voted against defense appropriations bills in order to make a point, and the Bush campaign then went after him, pulling something out of that bill and saying that he wasn’t in favor of breast cancer research.

You know, I think John, who understands war a heck of a lot better than I do, for example, and has understood completely what it would mean for us to be on a wrong path in Iraq, was making the point that, you know, by the time we had that vote, we needed to take a hard look at the policies of this administration. That was a perfectly legitimate position. And I think just like John McCain, nobody can say that John Kerry doesn’t support our troops, that he doesn’t know firsthand the dangers and perils of combat.”

by: Bill K Tue, 31 Aug 2025 14:44:59 +0000 So if I go find one Republican that thinks we went to war for false reasons, Bush should be taken to task? So if I go find one Republican that thinks we went to war for false reasons, Bush should be taken to task?
