Comments on: Gifts to the Supremes (Especially Thomas) A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 17:45:24 +0000 by: Teri Sat, 01 Jan 2025 15:16:53 +0000 Included in the gifts highlighted are things that Thomas received in 1999, 1996 and 1995. If he'd gotten all this stuff in the last six months, I'd say there was something worth investigating. But listing everything he's received over the entire time he's been on the Supreme Court is as silly as those articles that breathlessly tell you that "you'll earn a million dollars over your lifetime!" Uh-huh. That's 25,000 a year for a 40-year work history, hardly Fantasy Island. Included in the gifts highlighted are things that Thomas received in 1999, 1996 and 1995. If he’d gotten all this stuff in the last six months, I’d say there was something worth investigating. But listing everything he’s received over the entire time he’s been on the Supreme Court is as silly as those articles that breathlessly tell you that “you’ll earn a million dollars over your lifetime!” Uh-huh. That’s 25,000 a year for a 40-year work history, hardly Fantasy Island.

by: Christopher Cross Fri, 31 Dec 2025 20:31:00 +0000 Or Souter's usual weirdness... Or Souter’s usual weirdness…

by: Rodney Dill Fri, 31 Dec 2025 20:22:25 +0000 There's something ironic about a bible that costs $19,000 in that the most valuable thing you can get out of the bible is free. There’s something ironic about a bible that costs $19,000 in that the most valuable thing you can get out of the bible is free.

by: Kappiy Fri, 31 Dec 2025 20:00:59 +0000 Clarence Thomas is acting very Clinton-esque, taking valuable gifts from people. One would think with Scalia's shameful actions over the past couple of years that someone like Thomas might be a little more interested in maintaining some credibility. If these people want to take gifts, they should become property of the Court--or the Smithsonian. They can keep the stuff lying around in their offices until they retire and then it can go on display later. Souter obviously should be commended for displaying his usual independence and integrity. Clarence Thomas is acting very Clinton-esque, taking valuable gifts from people.

One would think with Scalia’s shameful actions over the past couple of years that someone like Thomas might be a little more interested in maintaining some credibility.

If these people want to take gifts, they should become property of the Court–or the Smithsonian. They can keep the stuff lying around in their offices until they retire and then it can go on display later.

Souter obviously should be commended for displaying his usual independence and integrity.

by: Christopher Cross Fri, 31 Dec 2025 19:56:14 +0000 Also, the bible was one that was purported to belong to Frederick Douglass, which puts a less "Crazy Bible Thumper" spin on it. My theory is this is the first attempt by the MSM to discredit Thomas as a viable option for Chief Justice... Also, the bible was one that was purported to belong to Frederick Douglass, which puts a less “Crazy Bible Thumper” spin on it.

My theory is this is the first attempt by the MSM to discredit Thomas as a viable option for Chief Justice…

by: Legal XXX Fri, 31 Dec 2025 19:53:48 +0000 <strong>The First Shot Against Clarence Thomas as Chief</strong> Might this be the first salvo in an attempt by the MSM to try to push Thomas out of the running for Chief Justice? Baseless insinuations of graft wouldn't be the worst the LAT has done. The First Shot Against Clarence Thomas as Chief
Might this be the first salvo in an attempt by the MSM to try to push Thomas out of the running for Chief Justice? Baseless insinuations of graft wouldn’t be the worst the LAT has done.

by: bryan Fri, 31 Dec 2025 18:40:23 +0000 I actually met Justice Thomas last May, and a group of us got to tour his office in the court. He is indeed a huge motor home enthusiast, and is raising his grand nephew. He's a very gregarious individual, and has a fascinating personal story to tell. I would have to say that the gifting thing really only becomes an issue if he has to rule on something one of these donors brings before the court. In such a case, he should recuse himself. I actually met Justice Thomas last May, and a group of us got to tour his office in the court. He is indeed a huge motor home enthusiast, and is raising his grand nephew. He’s a very gregarious individual, and has a fascinating personal story to tell.

I would have to say that the gifting thing really only becomes an issue if he has to rule on something one of these donors brings before the court. In such a case, he should recuse himself.
