And of course I have also blissfully ignored any health, evironmental (just draining the city will violate EPA discharge regulations), or economic factors (i.e., competition for labor and materials from Mississippi and Alabama).
Your’re right — the infrastructure is just a minor problem. It should only take three or four months.
]]>I’m glad JD has been down there and done a damage assessment for us.
The infrastructure doesn’t really bother me. I think they can get that functional before three to four months. What’s more problematic is that this is flood damage. by the time these people return, they won’t have anything to return to. The mold will be awful. Structural damage incredible.
That kind of thing is going to take a lot longer. The infrastructure stuff less. I think Nagin is just spouting numbers, anyway. Nobody really knows how long it will take.
As a side note, I hope it doesn’t take that long - cynically - because I don’t think I can take 12-16 more weeks of Sheppard Smith and Greta Van Susteren’s overweening presence in the FOX coverage mix.
]]>That’s not talking about football stadiums anymore. Or at least it shouldn’t be.
And in four months what will they be coming back to? We’d better start stepping very carefully. This could force a change to our entire system.