To be honest, the only references to Dreier’s possible orientation has been on left-leaning blogs. Now, I will also admit that I have been busy and haven’t even had time to fully evaluate the charges against DeLay at this point.
I just don’t have enough info to comment intelligenty at this point.
If true then yes, I concur that it is newsworthy.
Perhaps I am dense or out of the loop, but do we know for certain that Dreier is gay?
]]>What do you make of the reports that Dreier was nixed because social conservatives couldn’t support a gay man for interim majority leader? I agree with my side on this: seems to me that it’s at least newsworthy.
]]>House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay, is being charged with criminal conspiracy. Here is the complete text of the indictment (you need Adobe Acrobat installed to view it).
Read through it. It’s short so it will only take a few minutes. When you read i…