Comments on: Failure in Iraq, Redux A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 18:44:36 +0000 by: Matthew Shugart/Fruits & Votes Thu, 02 Mar 2025 02:38:41 +0000 Continuing on this theme, I think <a href="" rel="nofollow">Suzanne Nossel's post from Feb. 28</a> is well worth reading. Continuing on this theme, I think Suzanne Nossel’s post from Feb. 28 is well worth reading.

by: Matthew Shugart/Fruits & Votes Wed, 01 Mar 2025 22:52:26 +0000 I suppose my own position would be closest to that of Rep. Murtha--that is, the <i>real</i> Murtha position, which was <i>not</i> "immediate and total withdrawal," as opposed to the version Republicans masterfully spun as Murtha's alleged proposal. I suppose my own position would be closest to that of Rep. Murtha–that is, the real Murtha position, which was not “immediate and total withdrawal,” as opposed to the version Republicans masterfully spun as Murtha’s alleged proposal.

by: Dr. Steven Taylor Wed, 01 Mar 2025 17:10:30 +0000 I take the point. However, I do hve to think that an immediate and toal withdrawalk would have grave security implications for the region and our long-term interests, but it is worth having the discussion, I will grant. I take the point. However, I do hve to think that an immediate and toal withdrawalk would have grave security implications for the region and our long-term interests, but it is worth having the discussion, I will grant.

by: Matthew Wed, 01 Mar 2025 15:50:36 +0000 I don't feel any obligation to keep throwing future generation's treasure and current generation's lives after a losing cause. If anyone has an obligation here, it is the constituency that supported this administration's recklessness. Let them pay higher taxes and otherwise bear the burden, and then we can start talking about "obligations." I don’t feel any obligation to keep throwing future generation’s treasure and current generation’s lives after a losing cause. If anyone has an obligation here, it is the constituency that supported this administration’s recklessness. Let them pay higher taxes and otherwise bear the burden, and then we can start talking about “obligations.”
