Comments on: Moussaoui Trial Problems A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2024 19:40:07 +0000 by: nevins Thu, 13 Apr 2024 02:36:07 +0000 It seems that the government is making quite a stretch of a legal theory to get this guy, really any guy as after 4 years they got nothing. One bad guy in custody and the government has to run with it. At least he is acting the part out well, shouting anti-American slogans, cursing, looking vile and loathsome. The commedy of the whole thing is the legal theory. If only he had told the truth while in custody, and what criminal is ever expected to tell the truth during questioning, then the government would have shed all it's layers of incompetence and miraculouisly prevented 9/11. That's the myth the government wishes to preserve, the myth of competence. But for just one more little clue they would have busted the whole thing wide open. This guy is guilty in a moral sense, but legally he's getting railroaded by a government to cover up prior mistakes. I just hope the government doesn't bungle this trial and somehow let him out. They almost did it with the witness tampering fiasco a few weeks ago, so there's still time to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It seems that the government is making quite a stretch of a legal theory to get this guy, really any guy as after 4 years they got nothing.

One bad guy in custody and the government has to run with it. At least he is acting the part out well, shouting anti-American slogans, cursing, looking vile and loathsome.

The commedy of the whole thing is the legal theory. If only he had told the truth while in custody, and what criminal is ever expected to tell the truth during questioning, then the government would have shed all it’s layers of incompetence and miraculouisly prevented 9/11.

That’s the myth the government wishes to preserve, the myth of competence. But for just one more little clue they would have busted the whole thing wide open.

This guy is guilty in a moral sense, but legally he’s getting railroaded by a government to cover up prior mistakes. I just hope the government doesn’t bungle this trial and somehow let him out. They almost did it with the witness tampering fiasco a few weeks ago, so there’s still time to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

by: B. Minich, PI Tue, 14 Mar 2024 15:50:21 +0000 If that's the case, then she won't get what she wanted . . . this probably would have been an open and shut case without the witness tampering (I mean, really, what American jury wouldn't decide for death, if purely for emotional reasons?). If that’s the case, then she won’t get what she wanted . . . this probably would have been an open and shut case without the witness tampering (I mean, really, what American jury wouldn’t decide for death, if purely for emotional reasons?).
