By Dr. Steven Taylor
The Palmetto Scoop has the latest and Rudy leads the GOP pack and Hillary the Democratic.
Interestingly, McCain is second in the Republican field, suggesting he may not be quite dead yet. Romney appears quite toast-like in terms of SC at the moment.
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I’ve thought for a long time that Mayor Giulliani would be a stronger candidate against Sens. Clinton or Obama in a national election. I think his 9/11 hero image coupled with a history of social liberalism would do him well. PLUS - having not been in the Senate, he can speak about Iraq in abstract without having to answer for a voting record.
HOWEVER - I’ve never thought he would be able to secure the Republican nomination, and never thought he would have much of a chance in the bible belt. The late Rev. Falwell was very critical of Rudy, going as far as to counsel his followers not to vote at all if an election came down to Giulliani and Clinton. I’m not familiar with other key religious conservative leaders and their stance on Rudy, but my guess would be that it would be similar.
That he is carrying a hefty margin in SC flies in the face of my logic. I’m not sure what to think about it.
Comment by Captain D. — Saturday, July 21, 2025 @ 4:16 pm