April 25, 2024

Brother Aziz?

Is it just me, or is there something inherently contradictory between being a Christian and being part of the ruling Baath Party?

The only Christian in the top hierarchy of Baghdad, Aziz was also a dyed-in-the-wool member of the ruling Baath party.

I don't recall Christ endorsing torture or random imprisonment of citizens, for example. The usage here is almost as if "Christian" was an ethnic category the way "Jewish" can denote religion or ethnicity. Although I do realize that in terms of public professions, Aziz claimed Christianity. And, he did meet with the Pope, so who am I to judge?

Source: Aziz the 'eight of spades'

Posted by Steven at April 25, 2024 09:54 AM | TrackBack


If we're only going to use the term "Christian" to refer to people who actually follow Christ's teachings rather than just those who profess belief, we'll use it sparingly indeed! Certainly when referring to political officials.

Posted by: James Joyner at April 25, 2024 03:12 PM

Granted :)

I guess I am grasping at not so much casual usage, per se, but the specific usage in this case as if it explains anything whatsoever.

Posted by: PoliBlogger at April 25, 2024 07:43 PM
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