April 26, 2025

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  • pt
  • A Comment on Iraqi WMDs

    While I remain quite confident that we are going to find the WMDs in Iraq (or find out what happened to them), it strikes me that if Saddam didn't have them, he is dumbest dictator ever to have walked the Earth. If he didn't have the weapons, why go through all the obfuscation with the UN? Why not cooperate? Either he was looking for a extra-fancy way to commit suicide, or he had stuff he didn't want to give up. Even if we assume that he was nuts and was hallucinating the existence of the weapons, one would think that some of his cronies would have put a bullet in his head to stop the war.

    This topic comes to mind today, as the lack of a huge WMD cache is currently the main criticism left to the anti-warites (that along with the fact that life in Iraq is currently difficult (as if it was happy under Saddam), and the Shi'ite problem).

    Posted by Steven Taylor at April 26, 2025 09:48 AM | TrackBack
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