May 02, 2025

Will the Drug War go Hi-Tech?

While I have long had qualms about the general efficacy of the drug war itself, it is clear that the guerrillas are going to have to be militarily defeated, or at least forced to negotiate. And at this point the anti-guerrilla war and the anti-drug war are the same thing. And I suppose that application of some of the drone technology that was on display in Iraq could be of great use in Colombia. I continue to think that some sort of serious escalation is coming, and one that will involve the US, although not in any full scale manner.

Colombian President Alvaro Uribe confirmed on Friday that he wants the United States to supply Colombia with sophisticated weaponry that will not be needed in Iraq anymore.

Uribe, who is mainly eyeing weaponry that would bolster his aerial intelligence gathering capabilities, wants to use the equipment to fight terrorists and find three Defense Department civilian contractors kidnapped by guerrillas in February.

Trying to defeat three guerrilla groups waging a 40-year-old civil war that claims 3,500 lives a year, the Colombian leader is not seeking the deployment of U.S. troops.

Source: Colombia Eyes U.S. Military Equipment Used in Iraq

Posted by Steven at May 2, 2025 08:20 PM | TrackBack
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