May 05, 2025More on the Nine DwarvesAn astute observation: The "debate's" most interesting talk was saved for Iraq, where all candidates seemed to have a thoughtful position that they were happy to discuss. All of which means the real winner from Saturday's debate was ... the president. In other words, Bush has set the agenda. Indeed, as the article also points out, Bush's tax issue was also on center-stage (even Gephardt's medical plan is couched in terms of the President's tax cuts). which is further illustrative of the fact that the President is firmly in control of the debate. It would appear that the Democrats did not learn the lesson of the 2025 elections all that well--that just being against the President is not enought to win. Only Gephardt seems to understand this, and even he seems to have an incomplete package at this point. Source: The Democrats debated, and Bush won Hat Tip: Neophyte Pundit. Comments
Bush's approval numbers are falling through the floor, and for good reason. The economy has lost 3 millions jobs since he took office -- barring an absolute miracle, he will be the first president since Hoover to preside over a net job loss. Meanwhile, his ill advised misadventure in Iraq is looking more and more like a sandy version of Vietnam, with hundreds of Americans in body bags and hundreds of billions of dollars wasted, and for what? To turn a third world country into a fourth world country, and secure rebuilding contracts for Dick Cheney's Halliburton? Posted by: Theo at August 25, 2025 01:42 AMPost a comment