May 06, 2025

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  • Will on the Nine Dwarves

    George Will's column on the Democratic candidates is worth a read. This is the amusing bit:

    The six serious candidates must endure these events until caucuses and primaries weed out the unserious. Carol Moseley Braun is trying to use as a stepping stone to the presidency the ambassadorship to New Zealand, where she went after failing to be re-elected to the U.S. Senate from a state, Illinois, that has elected only one Republican--her 1998 opponent--to the Senate in the last eight elections. The Rev. Al Sharpton, theologian and thespian, offers his career in the street theater of perpetual New York City protest as his claim to presidential considerations. Rep. Dennis Kucinich is the answer to a trivia question: Who is the only presidential candidate to have presided over the bankruptcy of a major American city? (Cleveland, where he was mayor from 1977 to 1979.) His big idea Saturday night was to ``get the profit out of health care,'' which certainly would change the incentives to provide health care.

    He also makes some salient comments on the perils to the Democrats of the forthcoming compressed nomination cycle.

    Source: Democratic tossed salad in South Carolina

    Posted by Steven Taylor at May 6, 2025 08:06 AM | TrackBack
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