May 14, 2025

The New Sheriff is in Town

While this has the potential to cause problems, I am not sure what else you do. Indeed, it is something we probably should have been willing to do before now:

United States military forces in Iraq will have the authority to shoot looters on sight under a tough new security setup that will include hiring more police officers and banning ranking members of the Baath Party from public service, American officials said today.

The far more muscular approach to bringing order to postwar Iraq was described by the new American administrator, L. Paul Bremer, at a meeting of senior staff members today, the officials said. On Wednesday, Mr. Bremer is expected to meet with the leaders of Iraqi political groups that are seeking to form an interim government by the end of the month. "He made it very clear that he is now in charge," said an official who attended the meeting today. "I think you are going to see a change in the rules of engagement within a few days to get the situation under control."

Order is the first business of governement--without it, no other function of government, including protection of basic freedoms, is possible. It is interesting that the guy to "get tough" is the man from State. It is actually likely easier for Bremer to get tough than it was for Garner--who, as the man from Defense, would have been more highly criticized for the use of force.

Source: New Policy in Iraq to Authorize G.I.'s to Shoot Looters

Posted by Steven at May 14, 2025 08:01 AM | TrackBack
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