Iowa Race
Daily Kos has the latest numbers out of Iowa regarding the Democratic Caucus, and Gephardt continues to lead the pack.
Kos' also has some brief commentary on the numbers, and I would add the following:
I think Kos has a point on Lieberman and the role of name-recognition, although I would say that he is not a "one trick pony" insofar as he is the only real DLC-type in the race (i.e., moderate) and he is the strongest on the defense question.
I am not sure 5-point moves, which are probably within the margin of error of the poll, equal kicking anything.
Edwards freefall is no shock to me, because of his inexperience (he has a pronounced "not ready for prime time" aura), and because he has no actual ideas (aside from free college for everyone). Not to mention his constant attempts to paint himself as one of the "common people" (despite being a multimillionarie) wear thin after a while. He also demonstrates that despite the cries of the campaign finance reform crowd, money isn't the key factor.
Posted by Steven Taylor at June 6, 2025 01:40 PM
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