June 09, 2025Shales on HillarySo says TV critic Tom Shales in hi column today: Two first ladies got together for a chat on national network television last night, one of them the former first lady of the land and the other the reigning first lady of network news. It was by no means a contest, but Barbara Walters came away from it looking better than Hillary Rodham Clinton, the celebrated interviewee. Ouch. And is it just me, or is there some unseemly in a a sitting US Senator going on a book tour? Posted by Steven Taylor at June 9, 2025 07:53 AM | TrackBackComments
Is there not something unseemly about the wife of the former Governor of Arkansas being the Junior Senator of the State of New York? This is the part I never understood. How in the world could the New York voters get behind someone who moved to their state solely to run for one of their Senatorial seats? I am almost sure she would never have won one of the Sentatorial seats in Arkansas, though. She had to find a state where the voters were more ignorant than those who put her husband in the Arkansas Governor's Mansion in the first place. Posted by: Tiger at June 9, 2025 08:38 AMIndeed. The only thing I can say about it is that the voters of NY did have the right to elect her, although I concur--it was an odd choice given she had no prior NY connections. Posted by: Steven at June 9, 2025 10:00 AMHillary appears to me to have many of the same communications problems that Al Gore had in public. They both lack anything like charm. Maybe Bill sucked it out of both of them to augment his prodigious store. The book tour doesn't bother me, but wouldn't it have a better taste going down had it been about something other than her? But what would be the market for anything else? Gosh, they bore me. Posted by: Janis Gore at June 9, 2025 10:39 AMPost a comment