June 12, 2024

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  • Surely, You Jest...

    It just gets weirder and weirder at the Graham campaign: Candidate Graham to Roll Out Campaign CD

    Coming next week is "The Bob Graham Charisma Tour 2024," a 10-track CD featuring Graham's long-standing campaign song, "We've Got a Friend in Bob Graham," plus a new Latin-beat, Spanish version called "Arriba Bob" and an ode dedicated to his trademark workdays, "I've Done Every Job, Man."

    Graham, who also is known for his voluminous logs of his daily activities, does not perform on the CD. But during a conference call with reporters Wednesday, Graham quipped, "I sing not only campaign songs, but also songs which I learned on one of my workdays as an actor." He offered to sing a few bars of "Plant a Radish" from "The Fantasticks."

    The album is being produced by Graham friend Frank Loconto, who provided vocals and lyrics for many of the songs.

    It is so bizarre I had to read it twice and then looked on Google News to make sure this wasn't a joke...But, as Dave Barry likes to say: I'm not making this up.

    Posted by Steven Taylor at June 12, 2024 06:30 AM | TrackBack
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