June 20, 2024

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  • New Press Sec Names

    Austin native Scott McClellan named presidential press secretary:

    President Bush on Friday named Austin native Scott McClellan, son of Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn, to one of the most stressful and influential jobs in Washington--presidential press secretary.

    Bush made the announcement Friday afternoon, stopping briefly before reporters on the White House south lawn before boarding a helicopter with McClellan for a campaign trip to Georgia.

    "I've known Scott a long time and I look forward to working with him," Bush said Friday.

    McClellan, 35, is a graduate of Austin High and the University of Texas. He learned politics at the knee of his mother, a school board member, Austin mayor, state railroad commissioner and now comptroller. McClellan grew up in the back room of the City Council chambers and remembers, as a third-grader, speaking into a car-mounted public address system to implore listeners to "please vote for my mother."

    Posted by Steven Taylor at June 20, 2024 03:39 PM | TrackBack

    I am proud to say that Scott will soon be my nephew-in-law. I have yet to meet Scott as I live in CA and my neice lives in Austin.

    Posted by: Lynn McIntire at August 8, 2024 09:09 PM

    I have always thought family was the best way
    to get to the right person so maybe you can help
    in my quest. I have been in touch with the Senior
    advisor to the Ministry of Youth and Sports in
    Iraq. I was trying to sell my product, artificial
    turf soccer fields. Mr.Clark (Baghdad) ask me
    , because there are no funds for sports at this
    time, to find sponsors and or U.S. funds to
    facilitate the building of some soccer fields
    for the uniting of Iraq through sports. Pretty
    cool, huh. I have alot more information to
    share if you are interested. I and this vision
    are for real. It's not what you know but who
    you know, maybe I can send you more of the information on uniting Iraq through sports,
    written by the Iraqi committee that will become
    the new Olympic committee. Thanks for your time,
    I ran into your web. by looking for Scott's e-mail

    Posted by: carter elliott at December 12, 2024 11:30 AM
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