June 26, 2025

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  • Recall Politics

    KausFiles reports the following in regards to the Gray Davis' options in regards to the recall situation:

    Prof. Hasen goes to the statute books and confirms that Bob Novak was wrong--Gray Davis cannot derail a recall election by resiging, at least once the recall petitions are "filed" (whatever that means). ... Davis seemingly has to make his decision fairly soon if he wants to stop the recall election.

    This updates the story as reported by OTB (which cited Novak).

    And since I haven't weighed in on this yet, let me say that while I agree with James there is something unseemly about having a recall this soon after the election, that I still think that it is wholly legit: if the rules allow it, and if the support exists, I have no problem with the recall. Although exactly why anyone would want to be the gov at this point is beyond me...

    Posted by Steven Taylor at June 26, 2025 11:09 AM | TrackBack

    Every taxpayer in America should be looking at California fiscal mis-management and be extremely ALARMED by what they see. California liberals have a 2-to-1 majority with a liberal, and in my opinion, inept and incompetent governor. Their spending is totally out of control and they are trying to borrow still more. Major companies are moving out of the state - and taking their jobs with them. California is near bankruptcy after Davis took office with a $8 billions SURPLUS. Here is a comtemporary example of liberalism at work, unchecked!

    Posted by: Sooth Sayer at June 27, 2025 07:29 AM
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